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With Nightshade....

The tanned girl growled as she swung the metal pipe in her hands.Zalgo caught the pipe and twisted it as he threw the spirit.She went through a wall as Brian shot at the demon.One lucky bullet went through Zalgo's shoulder.

He hissed as his shoulder stung from pain.Not many man made weapons but then again it wasn't made by a man.His red eyes narrowed as Brian reloaded the gun.This was his chance.

Zalgo lunged at the blond who barreled rolled to his left.The demon landed on the ground with a thud and more pain  shot through his wound.Brian backed away,reloading the revolver in the process. Now wasn't a time for an empty clip.

Nightshade's torso appeared out of the floor and she yanked Zalgo's foot down.She let it go,leaving it stuck in between floors.The demon growled as he tried to free his foot.She smirked as she admired her work.

"What do you think Brian?Should I take a picture?" the legal adult asked.

"Nightshade,not the right time," he said breathing heavily.

"Oh,sorry," she replied.

"So what do we do with him?" Brian asked.

Nightshade shrugged as she watched Zalgo flail around. Her violet eyes shimmered in amusement and her smirked grew more deviant.

"Wanna draw a neon yellow moustache on him?" Nightshade asked pulling a sharpie out of thin air.

Brian blinked as he looked her with disbelief.

"What?No!We're not juveniles," he replied in a sharp tone.

"You know you want to."

Brian shook his head and noticed Zalgo now sitting still.He raised a brow as Zalgo seemed to give up. Something was fishy.Real fishy.No joke,Brian could literally smell fish.

He looked at to his side to see Nightshade with a fishing pole out the window.He didn't even want to know.It's better to just let Nightshade be.Besides, Brian didn't need a spirit to be screaming at him.

Nightshade seemed to lose interest in....whatever she was doing because she sat on the window sill. She smiled innocently at Brian who rolled his eyes. At least she was in good mood. It was strange  mood,but as long she wasn't bitter Brian was fine.

Nightshade was actually being happy because she felt a pulse.For the spirit was gaining something she hasn't had in five years.She was gaining her humanity back.Brian might've not noticed it but her chest was rising and falling as she breathed in air.

"You're strange.You know that?" Brian asked.

Nightshade laughed.Her laughter was now joyful, boisterousness, and full of life.For the first time in such dreadfully long year Nightshade had a reason to laugh.All her hard work was finally paying off.

"I'm not strange.I just feel so alive!" she chortled.

"Okay...." Brian said giving her a look.

What the two didn't notice in that moment was Zalgo aiming a piece of glass at Brian's heart. He knew he was killing two birds with one stone. No,he knew the glass wouldn't hit Nightshade.He was going to kill Hoodie along with Brian.

You see,Brian is who Hoodie was originally.Then the Operator came into the picture.Just as Brian explained his mind was in such chaos neither personality knew what happened,so they didn't know the other existed. It just like a spilt personality disorder, except in the end Hoodie gained complete control of the shared vessel.In other words Brian's a part of Hoodie,and Hoodie's a part of Brian.Whatever you do to one, you do to the other.

Zalgo knew this,and was full advantage of it.The glass slipped out of his claws as he threw it.Time seemed to slow down as Nightshade looked over. Her violet eyes widened as she pushed Brian out of the way.The Operator and Zalgo weren't the only two who knew of the connection.

Brian fell to the ground as the glass shard pierced Nightshade's chest. Nightshade grabbed the shard as she looked at Zalgo.A small amount of blood formed around the wound as Nightshade's eyes began to glow.

"If I'm going down,you're coming with me," Nightshade said with many voices.

She raised a hand and Brian was blinded by a bright light.He put his hand over his eyes and waited for the light to die out.When the light disappeared Brian took his hand away....but Nightshade and Zalgo were gone.

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