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"I don't want to Jojo,"I whined as she dragged me downtown.

"I don't care.I'm seeing what's changed and you're showing me,"my older sister ordered.

"Why didn't you get Marzia or Pewdie?"I asked.

"Because I want to spend time with my little sister."

"Or are you trying to keep away from Hoodie and Masky?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I was suppose to go to their house and help them study."


"You're making that face."

"What face?"

"The one when you're trying to hide something."

Jojo fell silent and I frowned.

"At least let go of my wrist.It's turning purple,"I said.

"What?!Sorry,"Jojo said letting go of my wrist,"Didn't notice that."

I rolled my eyes.Not long after someone smacked me upside the head.

"Ow!"I yelled.

"I told you to stop rolling your eyes,"Toby said.

"How da hell...?"I asked looking at Jojo.

She wasn't making eye contact and I realized what was going on.

"Jojo for the last time-"I began.

"Bye!"she yelled leaving me with Toby.

"What was that about?"Toby asked.

"I was about to figure it out when she ran,"I said.

"So what are you wearing?"Toby asked.

I swear at that moment I saw a light tint of blush on his cheeks.

"Haven't decided and we have a problem,"I said.

"What?I mean what is it?"Toby asked.

"Brett asked me to the dance."

"....Did you say yes?"

"I haven't replied yet."

"Well if you want to go with him I'll be okay with it."

His shoulders slumped and I felt a ping of guilt.I really don't like seeing him like this.

" Toby are-"I began.

"I said I'm fine with it,"he interrupted voice cracking.

"Toby,I-"I began to tell him.

"If you want to go with him then go!"

He ran off and I was left with my unfinished sentence.

"I never said I wanted to go with him,"I said tears threatening to fall.

Is he jealous?Why is he acting like this?I felt my shoulders droop and walked home.Great....I'm by myself.And I hate it.What do I even see in Brett?Sure he's hot but I never told anyone that the date wasn't as magical as I thought it would be.I felt like I was with the wrong guy the whole time.Is it possible I do like Toby?I pulled Brett's note out of my pocket and crumbled it up.No.I'm not going with him.I looked up and saw Hoodie and Masky coming my way.

"Ann what happened?"Masky asked.

"Toby's locked himself in his room and won't come out,"Hoodie added.

"We were talking about the dance and the fact Brett asked to go with me.But the idiot ran off when I was in mid-sentence,"I replied.

"I see now,"Hoodie said.

Written in my bloodWhere stories live. Discover now