Drama Everywhere She Goes

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"I trusted you....." Bai Zhi hissed angrily at the both of them, though more at Mo Yuan who was preventing him from getting anywhere near her.  She might be pregnant, but his temper was raw and when he got that angry, he was unpredictable.

"Please allow us to talk privately Bai Zhi, this is not the place nor the time." Mo Yuan replied calmly but ready to escort her out quickly if he needed to.

"Here is a better time than any, and while you're explaining to me why you couldn't wait until the wedding night,  how did you get so big in such a short time?" he almost barked while taking one giant step towards them both with every intention of taking his daughter to task and him along with her.

With the speed of an arrow, Mo Yuans arm shot out behind him to snatch her close while his other raised into the air to force Bai Zhi back.  It was done so quickly that she had no idea she was clinging to the back of his robes until the familiar scent of his fragrance began to fill her nostrils.  A scent that not only weakened her at the knees, but despite the situation they were in, she found her own hand sneaking around his waist to hold him.

"Father please.  It is not Mo Yuans fault......" she began only to clasp him with the other hand when her fathers temper snapped.

"Oh?  So who got you in that situation if not Mo Yuan?" he seethed between gritted teeth while also raising his own hand to forcefully push Mo Yuan aside to get at her.  Only the look of deep disappointment on his face when he came into view, had the tears instantly rising.  It seemed that he had mistaken her words, and assumed she had bedded someone else, which was just as hideous as being pregnant before marriage.  

But they were not in the den or even on home ground.  They were guests of the West Queen and in her own hall so she could not allow a personal and private matter to get out of hand.  In fact, anyone could enter at any moment to look for them, so quickly snatching at both Mo Yuans robes and her fathers hand, Bai Qian pleaded with him to calm down.

"Father.  Mo Yuan was not aware that I was pregnant until today.  It is not his fault that I hid it from him until now, so please understand, we have not yet had a chance to discuss this between ourselves. and I promise that once we have, we will meet with you personally.  So please allow this debate to end without the rest of the world joining in." she hissed back with eyes filled with remorse and begging him to listen.  

Just beyond the doors, they could all hear the soft whisperings of those still leaving, but among the light footsteps heading away, were a pair that was quickly making their way back in again.  Mo Yuan was the only one among the three that was still aware of his surroundings, so the moment the queen re entered to fetch them for refreshments which she had prepared at her own table, then not only was he leading Bai Qian out by the hand, but Bai Zhi was already three steps ahead of them having been thrust forward.

Whatever anger had been there, was quickly bitten back and the smiles on full display as Bai Zhi took his cue and reached out to lightly take her elbow.

"Our apologies, we were just leaving." he said with the warmth of a glowing hearth on a winters day.  The pleasantries easily dripped off his tongue as he led her out, while Mo Yuans face remained calm and composed.  Only Bai Qian looked a little tired and ill at ease, but no sooner was Bai Zhi leading the queen out the door and into the warm summer sun, then Mo Yuan was quickly drawing her close to whisper into her ear.

"What you just did was very brave and I applaud your effort to make amends Qian'er after all I think you gained a little more experience and maturity today, so I will give you my time and a second chance to sit and talk. .  And we do need to talk and I mean really talk.  You have issues that need airing and I have things to say." he whispered down at the tearful eyes looking straight back at him.  Her head nodded sharply a couple of times, before turning to the rest of the guests who were heading into the dining hall.

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