Midwives, Names and Registrations

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Leaving the West behind with a promise that she would return in the very near future, Bai Qian gave her farewells and gratitude to a new friend, one she knew she could trust and gain great joy from.  Liu Fei was the first outside of her immediate circles to learn of their impending wedding and not only did she personally gain an invitation from the bride to be, but true to her word, nothing Bai Qian shared with her in confidence would pass her lips.  The wedding would remain a secret until she herself released it to the rest of the world.  In fac, Liu Fei would be one of only a few leaders invited and the only one invited to sit at the main three tables which were set aside for family and close friends.

Now waving them off while the rest of the visitors groaned at the lack of attention seeing as this was the last realms debate of which they had been given so little chance to participate in the questioning much less debate, Liu Fei eventually returned to the main hall to oversee the drinking which had now begun in earnest.  This was a part of the realms debate that Bai Qian had missed out on every time, because she not only left early from every single one of them, but she still had no idea that the worlds best wines were shared out and a party ensued.  Of course, Mo Yuan had failed to inform her of this and for very good reason.

Not because he didn't want her drinking and losing herself to the wine quickly, but because he wanted her all to himself.  They were now on their way back to Qing Qiu to collect a few possession she wanted to take with her to Kunlun Mountain where he planned to keep her until her father came for the signed contract which he had yet to put his name to.  Though there was one main reason why he had stalled, and the pregnancy wasn't it.  But with a reconciliation to complete and no desire to wait any longer than necessary, then not only did he give her five minutes exactly to prepare a small bag, but she was back on a cloud and speeding home before Mi Gu could notify her father of their return.

He knew he would no doubt face Bai Zhis ire again, but his only thoughts were on being alone together especially when her arms wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him close for a heated passionate kiss which lasted all the way back to his chamber.  It was what he had been looking forward to picking up the moment they returned to the main hall to say their farewells and to apologize for leaving early.

But rather than rush her straight back to his chamber to continue what she was desperately trying to start, he instead led her to his personal bathing chamber.  His children were a little unsettled from the crying and high emotions, and he needed to settled them down so he could have a special conversation with her.

"Why don't you rest Qian'er.  You are tired and the children need you to be settled." he gently coaxed her off him and into the secluded area where he normally bathed.   

Nodding her head in both agreement and disappointment having hoped to continue their reunion in bed, she gave in easily because she really was exhausted and she hadn't noticed how much until her entire body lowered into the water.  It wasn't overly hot, but it was warm enough to instantly relax her while Mo Yuan fussed around the edges preparing towels, oils and even a little wine to celebrate the end of the years realm debates.

"You are spoiling me....." she smiled through the wine that he had made himself from his own pears which he also grew.

"It hasn't been easy for you dearest.  I want you to know that I am here now and your every comfort is my concern." he grinned back with a light tap to her upturned nose.  "I also want to send Die Feng back to the Celestial Palace for one of our midwives.  You don't have one here, so why don't I organize it for you, unless you have someone else in mind?" he asked taking a seat on the edge of the bath before taking up the oil for her back.

"I don't have someone organized, that is true, but Qing Qiu have several competent midwives Mo Yuan and of course we also have Zhe Yan who is my personal physician." she replied carefully, seeing as she could see that he was trying his best to include her in the decisions he felt to be important, especially after the rigmarole they had just come out of.  But what she also noticed was his desire to see his children become a part of his people as well as hers, and that meant including those he felt to be just as important to him as her people were to her.

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