The Grand Taoist Final 1

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In stunned amazement, Pei Fang returned to the Demon Lands on a cloud of euphoria and swamped by his supporters whose enthusiastic cheering, kept the adrenaline soaring all the way back to The purple Palace where the rest of his people were waiting to surprise him with a celebratory party.

The Demons really didn't need a reason to party, any excuse would do most of the time.  Even the birth of a new duck was cause to bring out the wine, only this was a title the Demons had never held before and for their own Overlord to be the one to bring back such high prestige was cause enough to open every cellar they owned.

He may not have won the title yet, but they partied through the night as if he had.  Even if he took second place, it would be enough to increase the prestige of every Demon in the Darklands.  The Scorpions, Wolves, Ghosts, Snakes and the lesser wild beasts would bow before them regardless, marriage alliances would gain much higher advantages, trading for goods and services would be more lucrative and peace talks between tribes would remain intact because the Demons held a place on the world stage that no other of their kind had ever come close to.

So the festive atmosphere that met him on his return, had his already heightened ego soaring at the spectacle that his people had prepared for him.   In among the rowdy chatter, the enormous banners that could be seen for miles and the fireworks lighting an already bright sky, the Demons finest dancers took to the stage to entertain the throng of well wishers and merry makers.  Flutes of all kinds were being played, the drums rolled and the crystal glasses were raised the moment his feet stepped into the main tent where his most highest ranked officials were waiting having already begun the party the moment they learned of his win.

"My Lord.  Do you think your final rival will choke when she learns your identity?" his right hand man asked having had a few too many to drink already and raising several brows at the familiar way he jokingly jostled his arm which he would never have done were he sober.

Shaking his head in both astonishment and good humour, Pei Fangs hand landed heavily on his shoulder in a friendly gesture which was far removed from how he normally would have spoken to him seeing as he too had imbibed more than he should have on the way home.

"My final rival is already aware of who I am as I am of her.  So no she will not choke, but she is definitely a rival worth raising a glass to regardless.  Her knowledge is exemplary, so if I do take the title,  it will be hard earned." he replied honestly and candidly.

Candidly, because his answer gave away his nervousness for the final.  In his mind, the Queen of Qing Qiu was not only worthy of the title, but he was a little afraid of her.  Not in the sense of being among ones betters, but more in awe of her.   He knew no other woman of her standing in his world or theirs.  She was in a league of her own as far as he was concerned and one he hoped to strike a friendship with regardless of her ties to Mo Yuan.  He had a strong suspicion that even if she did marry into Kunlun Mountain, she would continue to rule over her estate because every answer given so far, was from a woman who commanded respect and maintained order everywhere she went.

"How does she know its you?" one of his generals asked confused.   No one, as far as he was aware had seen through their barriers.

"She is not stupid." he laughed at the reddening cheeks that quickly lowered.   "And do not think for a second that your barriers went unnoticed either." he added with a chuckle when the rest quickly lowered their heads having thought just that.  "There are several high Gods present and all of them would have noticed you.  But I will say this......." he said in all seriousness......  "That I am still in the competition means my identity is not an issue.  If it were, I would have been knocked out immediately.  Therefore, if she wins, then she deserves to." he finished it with a sip of wine as the rest quietly pondered on his words.

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