The Contract.

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Everything was moving much faster than she could have imagined.  The final debate before the grand final was in three days time which would be held by the Queen of the West at her Jade Palace, her horse Gong Gong needed a permanent stable which she wanted built close to the den and away from the other horses so a retinue of builders came and went all day long, and  and on top of that, Mo Yuan was insisting that the wedding talks take place quickly so contracts could be signed and Qing Qiu officially amalgamated with Kunlun Mountain seeing as there was no heir to hand the mantel of King or Queen to.

This bothered her immensely, because she wasn't sure exactly what an amalgamation would look like, much less be accepted by her people, but with a horse to deal with and a final debate to prepare for, she quietly went about her duties while mulling over exactly how to broach this with Mo Yuan when he was so excited about marrying her.

"Qian'er....   there you are.  I've been all over the markets looking for you, but you weren't there.  Did you forget we have a lunch date?' Mo Yuans soft voice suddenly broke into her thoughts and bringing her attention to a promise to meet him which had completely slipped her mind.

"Forgive me.  I got caught up with the new stable." she smiled up at the hand which was reaching out to drag her from the mess of rubble and straw her workers had scattered about the side garden where she wanted the new stable.

Taking a quick glance at the beginnings of the stable and the flower garden she had been working on, Mo Yuans attention was soon on her as he led her out of the enclosure to leave the men to their work.  He wanted to discuss the contract with her before he signed it.  It wasn't something that was normally discussed with his new bride as these things were generally discussed between the groom to be and her family, but Mo Yuan wanted her to be a part of every discussion.  And seeing as she hadn't yet eaten, he firmly marched her back to the market and the hotel he had taken her to before.  

It had become a favoured place to relax for him and no sooner were they seated, then Mo Yuan lay the contract on the table before she could even order.  She was famished so completely ignored it to continue browsing the menu which she already knew by heart.  

Watching her face closely, Mo Yuan quickly picked up her unease and reluctance to discuss the wedding, but seeing as her father would be meeting with him later that afternoon and with Di Jun present to witness the signing on behalf of the Celestial Palace, he was in a hurry to get this little thing over and done with so he could spend the rest of the morning relaxing with her.  Not to mention the fact that he just wanted to get her signed under him before Di Jun made another move on her and making him a witness was not only the final nail in the coffin so to speak, it was down right hilarious, so he was in no mood for the theatrics.

"Qian'er.  Can you please put the menu down.  I want to discuss the contract." he sternly stated before gently lifting the menu out of her hand.  "You already know what they serve so there is no need for this." he added before magically returning it to the waiters table.

Sighing softly, Bai Qian lifted her head to meet his soft yet impatient gaze.  It was obvious that he was excited for this wedding, he could barely contain himself from picking up the rolled slat and throwing it at her, but she had no idea how to even broach her concerns without offending him or worse, thinking she didn't want to marry him.

"I can see that this is all a little too much my dear, but I really do think we should discuss it.  I wouldn't have brought it to our lunch date if I didn't." he tried a different tactic this time while also forcing down the impatience but adamant that they would talk about it.

Mo Yuan was not immune to her moods and he could see that something was bothering her which was the main reason why he had brought the contract with him.  Men the world over discussed and signed marriage contracts without the womans input because such things were not their concern.  However, he was not like other men.  He didn't just want a wife to fill is lonely days or to increase his household, he wanted a woman like her.  One that spoke her mind, made her own decisions and one he could turn to, should he need advice or just an ear to listen as he would be for her.  So this sudden change in her demeanor was a concern.

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