The Grand Taoist Final 2

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The hall was exactly how he knew it would be.  Loud, crowded and near unbearable.  But Mo Yuan ignored the happy jostling and raucous chatter as he quietly followed Bai Qian into her cubicle under a very thick barrier that only Di Jun noticed.  

"Just remember dearest, Pei Fang is going to throw everything into this final, and believe me when I say, he will absolutely play dirty to beat you." Mo Yuan whispered as he helped her down onto the cushions.  

"I know.  His reputation for fair play was never his greatest strength." she nodded thinned lipped and ready for the debate to begin already even though a small niggle of pain began to slowly creep around her lower belly which she chose to ignore.  Yu and Zhe Yan had both agreed that the pain was stress related, so as long as Mo Yuan eased up on the fussing, she would be fine, though a much deeper conversation had taken place when everyone had eventually left them alone to talk.

From what Mo Yuan had gained from it, was because she had lived alone for so long and relied solely on herself for her every need and care save the few times she had to visit Zhe Yan for minor ailments, she was internally struggling with having to give over her wellbeing to another who was not only near smothering her with his desire to keep her safe and comfortable, but Mo Yuan could actually see how difficult it was for her to adapt.  And so a minor truce was reached between them.  She would absolutely call him if she felt the children were at risk, and he would relax and allow her chance to fight for her title which she couldn't do if he was hovering over her every second of the day.  

Though, that morning, they had discussed her rival at depth and everything he knew about him and what kind of man he was so she was under no illusions as to what he would bring to the final, but she was nervous and Mo Yuan could feel it.

"Don't worry.  You didn't make it this far on luck and nor can you be bullied my dear, you remind me of that everyday." he chuckled lightly before gently nudging her cheek with the tip of his nose to make her smile.  

"When this is over, I want us to take a short break Mo Yuan, just the two of us." she nudged him back and wanting a little alone time with him, seeing as the past few weeks had not been kind on him.

Grinning at her, Mo Yuan couldn't have been happier.  They did need a little time to themselves, even if it was a couple of days, and he had the best place in mind.  In fact, that thought excited him immensely.  Like her, he was tired of the debate and just wanted to move forward, so kissing both cheeks before leaving her in peace, Mo Yuan made his way to the front row where her mother was waiting for him.  

The hall was in a state of chaotic excitement, so none noticed the man suddenly appear when his barrier lowered which just happened to be at the exact same time that Pei Fang entered.

His people had been ordered to keep their privacy shields in tact.  Whether he won or lost, he wanted the honour of giving away his identity himself.  Once the introductions were over, they were then allowed to lower their shields and from what he could tell from the noise that erupted the moment he entered, his people were there in force.

"Sir, please win.  I want you to attend the next debate!" someone yelled out to a roar of approval which was quickly picked up by the rest.

"Sir!  You are doing a great job.  Please visit the south, we would love to host you." another yelled out to another round of applause.

"Sir, even if you lose, we would still love to host you in the northern seas..." a man he knew well yelled out to even louder applause.  In fact he almost clapped himself, because that man was a sworn enemy and the urge to laugh was just a breath away from erupting.  In fact, in his mind, he was imagining the look on that face when the curtain fell and he couldn't help but feel immensely satisfied with image.

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