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The initial stunned silence, soon gave way to thunderous applause once it became clear who her rival had been.  The introductions were not really necessary, but still memorable because the moment they both faced each other, then Pei Fangs brows almost flew off his face.  To be met with the Great Tao Master was one thing, but every piece of gossip he had ever heard of her rare beauty, was there in front of him.  Dressed in her own Qing Qiu robes of rich forest green, Bai Qians appearance not only stunned him, but a flicker of disappointment rose before he quickly pulled it back in.

Heavily pregnant, it was obvious the lady was taken,  but that didn't diminish the approving look he gave her as his arms came up to officially introduce himself.  Though it was her greeting that had the hall exploding.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lord Pei Fang.  I am Bai Qian of Qing Qiu and the Mistress of Kunlun Mountain." she replied before dipping down into an elegant curtsy.

Mo Yuans mouth quirked at the sides and his own brows also raised several degrees, though more in amusement than astonishment.  That she had given herself the title of Mistress to his mountain was one thing, but the gasps and then goggling eyes that turned in his directions, soon had him stepping forward to escort her from the stage and to her mother who quickly wrapped her up in her arms and tearful smiles.

The banquet that followed was no different to any other.  Everyone attended this time and not only was Bai Qian forced to endure endless greetings and meaningless conversation that she had managed to avoid the first time around, but Pei Fang wasn't faring much better.  The over all discussions he found himself in was on the Demons knowledge of the Tao which none realized he had been thoroughly schooled in.  Though his brief meeting with Yuan Shi did shed light on why he had not been chosen, was actually a relief.

That he had failed to answer the question was a lesson he took to heart should he decide to enter again.  And though despondent at losing, that too did not last long, not when he was reminded by Yuan Shi that Bai Qian had also knocked Mo Yuan out of first place too.  That statement alone was enough to let the pride go, after all, to beat Mo Yuan was an accomplishment well deserved as far as he was concerned, so he eventually let his loss go to enjoy the festivities and the enormous feast that the Celestial Tribe had prepared for them.

Eventually, Mo Yuan and The Empress declared Bai Qian too exhausted to stay before firmly taking an arm each and taking her home.  Kunlun Mountain being her home now that she had declared herself its Mistress and she couldn't have been happier.  She really was tired and just wanting a bath and then bed, while the rest remained to party the night away.

"Qian'er, rest up.  In the morning, we're taking that trip away." Mo Yuans smiled softly at the tired eyes staring straight back at him.

"Where are we going?" she asked as a hint of excitement broke through the yawn she was trying to cover.

"It's a surprise." he chuckled and wrapping her shoulders up in his arms to draw her closer.

Nodding, her mind moved to the bath tub her mother had prepared for her rather than the small festivities his students had prepared.  She felt guilty at not attending, but she was really tired and sore.  The children had finally gone to sleep and she planned on joining them.

So allowing Mo Yuan to lead her to the bathing chamber to assist with her heavy robes, she then sank down in the hot tub while Mo Yuan took to rubbing in the oils.

"You did well.  Im proud of you." he said softly eyeing her relaxed face.

"To be honest, I kind of hoped he would take the title." she admitted quietly.  


"I don't know if I can do this again Mo Yuan.  It's too tiring." she replied pouting.  And she meant it.  She really didn't want to have to go through weeks of exhausting mind aerobics ever again and though she was pleased to have won, she really had hoped Pei Fang had taken it.  

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