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"You're back early.  I wasn't expecting you for at least a few hours." Zhe Yans chirpiness hit him the moment he flew into the grove to think...   "And going by the look on your face, it didn't go down well." he added pointedly staring at the contract in his hand.

Thinking to ignore him, not wanting to really discuss what was his personal business, Mo Yuan instead nodded his head lightly.  If anyone understood her better than anyone, it was this man.  She might have the weight to throw him out of the fox den in anger, but when it came to Bai Qian, Zhe Yan never held grudges, because he knew it would blow over eventually.  And it was with this in mind, that Mo Yuan steered him towards the low stone table where the remnants of breakfast was still waiting to be cleared away.   Zhe Yan knew her temperament and everything that could set off her anger, if anyone was going to be able to give him understanding, then it was him.

"You're right.  It didn't go well and I honestly don't understand why." he eventually blurted out having taken a little time to think over their conversation.

"Then why don't you tell me what what said and maybe I can help." Zhe Yan suggested and looking very serious.  Serious enough to get the dishes magically gone and the hot tea he had just prepared appearing before them seeing as it was too early for wine.

"We went over the contract.  Before that, she seemed happy enough, though she did suggest we were moving into the marriage too fast." he explained quietly.   "She wanted to inform her people before signing anything and she wanted to get her affairs in order.  But I made it clear that there was no need for that." he added which Zhe Yan quietly nodded at but remained quiet.

"Only the moment she got to the second codicil, then she literally blew up." he sighed and making Zhe Yans eyes goggle.

"You mean the part about the lack of an heir?" he asked with an all knowing grin and instantly straightening Mo Yuans back seeing as he did look to understand.

"Yes.  She not only removed it from the contract, but she completely lost it.  I made it clear to her that such additions are normal and almost every contract I have ever seen, has it added in order to safe guard the throne.  Bai Zhi himself wrote it, and he was in agreement, so I really don't see what the problem is.  It's not as if she doesn't have options and I told her so." he tried to explain only to lift his head higher when Zhe Yan quietly shook his head at him.

"At what exactly did you tell her so?" he squinted, dreading the answer.  Mo Yuan might have the ability to convey his thoughts most eloquently, but when it came to subtleties, he was clueless, so he really shouldn't have been surprised by the answer.

"Well, it isn't as if Qing Qiu will actually end up with a Celestial King or Queen, she has brothers, her father......." he trailed off to stare into the distance.  And then it hit him.  

Zhe Yan sat and watched every conceivable emotion pass through those dark eyes as understanding hit and he really wanted to laugh.  Instead he poured out another cup of tea even though he thought Mo Yuan needed a hammer to his head instead.

"Mo Yuan.  You have known Bai Qian long enough to know the manner of woman she is so I do not need to explain what a statement like that would do to her.  She is and always has been independent and it is only though her that her people have learned to be the same.  She does not need this marriage for Qing Qiu to thrive and nor will she ever put them in a position where their independence is put at risk.  So I'm sorry to be blunt Mo Yuan, but if you don't put this right immediately, you might as well destroy that contract.  She is stubborn and will absolutely hold your words against you." he said finishing it and leaving Mo Yuan in no doubt as to the gravity of the situation.

For the longest moment, Mo Yuan merely sat there staring back at him with a blank look on his face.  He had learned first hand just how stubborn she was, how volatile her temper was and how uncompromising she could be when it came to her people, so his suggestion that her brothers were there to save them from a Celestial invasion rather than herself had his head lightly shaking at his daftness.

It took him a while to get his head around his thoughts, but the moment Zhe Yans final words finally sunk in, then he was on his feet and abruptly turning to leave without a look back or a final word.  He had a woman to placate, so leaving behind the excessive laughter, he quickly caught a cloud straight back to the den only to find it empty and several of her outfits missing.

Nervous but not concerned, Mo Yuan returned to the hotel in the hope that she returned and was perhaps waiting for him.  Only she wasn't there either, and nor could he find her in any of their usual haunts.  In fact, none of her people knew where she had gone and on his return to the den, even Mi Gu was looking a little lost, because she had not informed him of her whereabouts either.

This concerned Mo Yuan, because she had taken several outfits which meant she was planning on staying away for a few days.  They had a debate to attend to in just under a week and disappearing like this was only making him angry the more time he wasted looking for her.

In the end, Mo Yuan returned to Kunlun Mountain in the hope that she was there, but he knew deep down that she wouldn't be.  And she wasn't and nor were there any messages from her either.  He knew she could be head strong and stubborn, so after an exhausting day, he decided in the end to just call it a night, and hopefully all would be well in the morning and they could talk it out calmly while completely forgetting he was meant to be meeting with her father.


Just a short chapter, because the next one is going to be quite involved and I don't want to split it up......   :-)

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