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Two weeks later.

Quietly slipping out the door so as not to notify Mi Gu of her departure, Bai Qian made a hurried dash to the Peach Tree Grove. Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen were in the far north having decided to meet her there for the first official Taoism Debate which saw the many entrants who had failed to win her title, meet to begin the year long debating sessions that would see several of them competing again at the end of the year.

And that was the thing. Not just anyone could enter. One had to pass a test set by Lord Pua in order to be accepted into the final debate, so that gave everyone a fair chance by entering the year long sessions in order to gain valuable knowledge while also learning as much about the possible competition when the time came to battle it out as she had just done.

Of course, she was a complete unknown, but she still had to pass that test to enter. It was a simple question aimed to gain an answer with as much knowledge as possible and in the shortest amount of time which she had given, so Lord Pua had deemed her fit for entry. Though he had been certainly surprised to learn her identity. Other than Mo Yuan, he was the only one who knew who the Grand Master was, but as yet, he had kept her secret because it wasn't his place to give her away. And being so highly ranked, he was not in a position to anyway.

So that still left her in a precarious situation. She had no intention of giving up her identity and having had a long heart to heart talk with both Bai Zhen and her Zhe Yan who had been stunned beyond belief that she had even entered that competition, it was decided they too would keep her secret if that was what she wanted. However, both men strongly advised her to attend as many Tao sessions as possible. The title of Grand Master, was not just a triumph that she could add to her growing achievements, she was now responsible for the education of all students learning the Tao and it was expected that she would assist her rivals in their continued education including Mo Yuan.

Only the thought of that man, brought on a scowl as she flew into the grove with no intention of attending the first Tao Debate of the year which one Bai Zhens neighbours was hosting and mainly because of him! He not only escorted her home from her first meeting with his students, but he had once again returned to drag her out of bed to accept their reports. He had all but dragged her back to Kunlun Mountain to complete a lesson she had given far more energy to than was necessary while being forced to continue it even though he was more than capable of finishing it himself.

Now heading straight to the wine cellar which Zhe Yan kept full, she took three bottles before heading to Zutu Tree, which was the oldest tree in the grove and her favourite due to the long branch that seemed to grow in perfect alignment with her body. She had grown up with that tree, so that made it even more special and with wine to be had, no mean phoenix to force her north and a War God she would never have to see again, she popped the lid, breathed in the rich floral scent and smiled brightly as the first drops hit the back of her throat.


Unknown to Bai Qian, Mo Yuan was already in the north having stayed overnight at Bai Zhens estate to save himself the journey in the morning which would have meant rising an hour earlier in order to make it on time. And not only did he sleep very well, having been treated as an honoured guest at a mansion no other had ever seen other than the foxes and Zhe Yan, but he had learned much about his sister.

Her brother loved to talk and Mo Yuan was an avid listener, so not only did he learn of her childhood exploits being highly playful and mischievous, but he also learned what manner of queen she was. Her people adored her and true to her word, they really did call her Gu Gu which still surprised him. But the familiar term gave him an insite into how well loved she was which meant she was not only following in her fathers footsteps and creating a beautiful world for her people to safely go about their business, but she also banned all magic.

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