Success or Failure?

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Entering the hall between her row of guards and behind a barrier, Bai Qians smile was beaming and not because this was the final and she had actually made it, but because she had sneaked out of Qing Qiu before her brother came to collect her.  The thought that he would be possibly rushing about all her known haunts just to keep her to her word, had her giggling softly to herself.

Though the sudden change in atmosphere soon had her swallowing it back when the applause rose at her entry.  Every other time, there had been a little noise and the occasional clap of hands while the whispering would rise steadily as the crowd debated her identity.  Only this time, not only was the applause deafening, but it seemed as if the crowd had trebled in number.

"Please win and be the first female to take the title." some woman called out loudly to a round of loud applause.

"Lady.  I can't wait to know your name....." someone else with a very deep voice yelled out to even more applause which was now deafening and flushing her cheeks bright red.

She knew she was the only woman in this years debate and she also knew that her identity was a cause for gossip, after all, her brother had all but chewed her ear off the previous night along with all the gushing at how wonderful she was supposed to be.  In fact, to her mind, it seemed as if the world was seeing her secret identity as something even more grand than the actual debate.

And it wasn't until that very moment that her belly began to twist nervously.  Of course she knew her identity would have to be given this day.  She was in the final and it was expected that the two finalists would be named, only she hadn't really thought on what that would actually mean until then.  Suddenly that mans words had her realizing just what it was that she was doing.

She had remained unseen and relatively unknown to the world until now having preferred to follow in her fathers footsteps by remaining within her tight circle of friends and in isolation and only because the worlds affairs just didn't interest her.  Only now, the world would know her, see her and no doubt her title as Second Master or Grand Master in Taoism would see her forced onto the world stage which she really didn't want.

And as she was led to her place on the stage, her mind went over everything she had read on this competition, including the rules.  There was absolutely nothing in them that said she had to give her identity.  It was just something that had always been done, but to not give her name, would be highly disrespectful to the one she was going up against and she had no intention of causing offence to anyone least of all a man who had given her quite a fight and one who deserved to know his nemesis.  

Taking her seat while the curtains rose and her guards left her behind, she really couldn't see anyway out and nor was she given another second to dwell on it, because her final rival had just entered the hall to another round of raucous applause and guesses at who he might be.  Most were assuming he was yet another Kunlun Disciple, some suggested he was one of the Celestial Princes who were all well schooled in Taoism and there were even suggestions that he was Demon Overlord which caused even more loud mutterings.

Whoever he was, he made no sound as the energy barrier around him fell away and they were both left sitting on the stage awaiting the judges while the rest continued to talk amicably.

"Good luck to you...." she suddenly called out through the curtain.

Hearing her, Mo Yuan smiled.  He could feel her nervousness coming off her in waves, only he didn't think she really meant to wish him luck, it was more of an attempt to still the nerves by placing it on him.  But he did reply just so he could get a little more of a feel for her energy.  The nerves were high of course, but there was also determination there and that definitely had him excited for this debate to begin because he felt strongly that she entered in the right frame of mind.

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