Three Days - 1

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Making her way to the kitchen, Bai Qian quickly scanned the larder that Mi Gu had prepared for their isolation.  He was a good servant, everything she loved and everything he thought Mo Yuan might like, was neatly packed, labelled and stacked to make it as easy on her as possible.  He knew she couldn't cook, so he had also gone to the trouble of having several meals prepared by her favourite hotel, which were also neatly stacked in the cooler.

"At least we won't go hungry." she grinned quietly to herself as a large kettle was quickly snatched off the shelf above her head and placed on the open flame she magically brought to life.  Then taking a small handful of fresh leaves from the large jar he had also prepared for her, she promptly set about grounding them down.

Walking in behind her, Mo Yuan moved to take the trestle and mortar in hand, being something he actually enjoyed doing for himself, only to drop his hands when she shook her head.

"No.  One of the customs of this tradition, is that I serve you tea to mark the beginning of our isolation and then again at the end.  It is the only thing I am obligated to perform.  After that I can request anything my heart desires and you must oblige.  However, there is something you must be made aware of...." she stated in all seriousness.  If Mo Yuan really wanted to go through with this, then he had to know everything, and though he had already informed her of learning this tradition himself, some minor changes had been added for the males benefit.

"It is why this tradition is so old fashioned and why no one really practices it anymore.  But seeing as we are here and you are adamant that you want to go ahead with it anyway, then there is one rule my father added after his own isolation that I think you might find useful." she said with a soft smile on her face while leaving the tea to settle from the harsh beating they got.

"What is it?" he asked quickly summarising in his head what he had learned and coming up with nothing other than what had already been discussed.

"This tradition does heavily favour the woman.   But rather than being a time of bonding between the couple as you so charmingly put it....." she grinned at him.....   "the next three days, are her one and only chance to retain the last of her independence and sovereignty before she must relinquish it to her husband. " she explained as the tea leaves were then placed into a small square of cloth and lowered into a bowl which was then covered with the hot water.

"I'm listening...." he replied and interested to learn what it was that might actually benefit himself.

"It is true that you must obey my every command, however, you are entitled to use a 'One Time Only' chance to refuse and I must accept it.  However, once you have used this chance, you must continue the rest of the tradition until Mi Gu returns. " she said as the tea leaves were then removed and the bowl covered until he was ready to be served.

"I am telling you this, because I honestly do not think this is necessary Mo Yuan.   So I am giving you a chance to reconsider and if you do decide to continue, then I must also warn you right now.  I will not go easy on you."

This was his one and only chance to back out and she was really hoping he would take it, because honestly, being stuck in the den for three days with a miserable hot head like Mo Yuan with no way out was going to be just as difficult for her.

Slowly his arms rose into the air before very gently pulling her towards him.  "There is nothing in this world that matters more to me than your happiness and comfort.  No words that will keep me from performing my duties as your husband either.  So, I am opting to stay and be at your command for the next three days, and a life time beyond." he whispered softly against the side of her face before kissing the flushed cheeks that seemed to like his frilly words of adoration.

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