Kunlun Mountain

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Rather than hug her all the way to Kunlun Mountain, Mo Yuan kept a respectable distance while ensuring she remained on his own cloud least she change her mind and try to escape.  Going by the way she had awoken, the risk was definitely there, even more so the closer they got.  And though she was now far calmer, he could feel her nervousness rising again.  He knew she was also hung over and probably hungry, but seeing as she capable of standing on her own two feet without the need to keep her upright, he suspected she was used to it, in fact, to his mind, she was definitely her fathers daughter, being a heavy drinker like the rest of them.

Only the way her shoulders began to quiver while her hands fisted tightly into the sides of her dress, had him slowing the cloud down and then stopping it completely.  In the distance, he could see the top of his mountain which was still under a heavy blanket of mist and clouds, while the sun remained in the east and bringing with it a clear blue sky, which was perfect for the outdoor session he had prepared.

But the sudden tremor coming the woman beside him, had him turning fully to look at her.  She couldn't even return his gaze, because her head was slowly looking back as if judging how far she had travelled and how she could make her escape, the fear was streaming off her and he felt it keenly.

"It is just a Taoism session Bai Qian, I am not taking you to the punishment rock." he teased her while gently placing a hand on her shoulder to offer her some of his calming energy only to pull it back when her tearful eyes turned to blink fearfully back at him..  

"Look.  I know we came to an agreement you and I, but ....." she trailed off unsure how to proceed.  She really was terrified and having filled her lungs with fresh air which had sobered her right up, she was now fully aware of what was actually happening and she no longer wanted to continue.

Before, she had still been drunk, and with the anger on top, she just wasn't thinking clearly.  Then once the anger had died and his hand went out to lead her from the den, she had taken it and only because she saw no other way out.  After all, she had agreed to attend this session, she had given her word, so that alone had her following him, only now, she was scared.  

She didn't want to be cast among a group of strangers all vying for her identity, unscrupulous men who would do and say anything to gain an alliance with Qing Qiu, even going above her and approaching her father.   And this man in front of her was looking just as suspicious.  He had all but forced his way into her home and was now dragging her back to his mountain.  A man that could be just as ruthless as the rest going by every story she had ever heard of him,  a part of the Celestials who had been trying for centuries to gain a marriage alliance with her, so she couldn't help but wonder what exactly his motives were.

Reading the fear in her eyes like an open book, Mo Yuans eyes softened considerably.  He could see the suspicion and the doubt driving her desperate need to return home which brought back the few stories he had ever heard of her.  And what had his hand reaching out again, was the way she had cut herself and Qing Qiu off from the rest of the world.  She had made it clear by rejecting every invitation to every event no matter how big or small by remaining reclusive, elusive and untouchable.  He understood this, because he too avoided the rest if he could help it, so in this, he could commiserate.  Only she had suddenly thrown herself into the spotlight and without warning, and seeing as they were already late, he decided to add a few minutes to talk to her.

"Bai Qian.  I understand your desire for anonymity and I agreed that none would learn your name from me, and being on my mountain means, that promise is extended to Kunlun Mountain.  No one will be allowed to question you or approach you should you not want it.  My word is law, Kunlun Mountain is me.  Therefore, please feel at ease, there is nothing to fear." he said softly squeezing her shoulder before letting go.

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