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Slipping quietly into his chamber, Zhe Yan quickly ushered the young maids out into the night with a smile and a barrier to keep them out.   Like Bai Qian, it never ceased to amaze him how fearful they were at not being able to cater to his every whim.  But Fei Wan knew Zhe Yan well enough to know that he would not need the maids or any other staff being more than capable of drawing his own bath, dressing himself for bed and pulling his blanket up himself.

And though he gave the crestfallen girls a few extra seconds of his thoughts, he was soon back to thinking on Mo Yuan and Bai Qian only to lose it again, when a sharp rap on his barrier had him marching swiftly to the door in annoyance having thought the maids were going to give him a hard time.

Only it wasn't the maids, but Ci Hang who not only furtively glanced over his shoulder before stepping into the chamber, but he looked just as annoyed.

"Care for a drink?" Zhe Yan asked understanding immediately why the sour face.

"Anything is better than what I just saw." he replied grumpily slamming his rear end into the overstuffed cushions with a shake of his head.

Chuckling, Zhe Yan couldn't agree more, after all, the both of them had been hiding in the plum trees spying on those two with the hope that something juicy would happen, only to sigh once again at the lack of action.

"You know Mo Yuan.  He has been out of action for so long, he's probably forgotten what to do." Zhe Yan gawfulled at disbelief in the mans eyes.

"Pfft!  She literally handed herself to him." he retorted as the wine cups were generously filled with the plum wine that Fei Wan distilled himself.

"I would hardly call holding hands in the candlelight handing herself to him." Zhe Yan scoffed as the first few sips of a very delectable wine was taken in.

"Oh come on.  They walked about hand in hand under a full moon surrounded by lit lanterns and blazing candlelight.  If that isn't enough to push their faces together then what is?"

"Push their faces......." Zhe Yan spluttered wine all over his gown...  "The Heavens wept man!" he roared with laughter as a clean cloth was produced to wipe the wine off his gown.  

"Well it's true.  They had everything they needed for a romantic night, and all he did was smile goofily and brush the hair from her eyes.  The man is as romantic as doorknob!" Ci Hang spluttered over his own wine which was hitting his head too fast.

Clutching at his belly, Zhe Yan squinted through his lashes at a man who rarely drank much less gave into his true thoughts and even less, verbalise them.  In fact, Ci Hang could be just as inscrutable as Mo Yuan, so the laughter was genuine and hearty.  It was actually rather refreshing to see that this old man had a side to him that he doubted the rest of the world even knew about, one that had the mischief rising.

"Well I am not disagreeing Ci Hang, but do you think Mo Yuan might be too set in his ways to want a woman in his life?  After all, they are here for Taoism and Taoism is the only thing that heats that mans blood." he asked with a noticeable glint in his eyes, which Ci Hang noticed.

"That is true.  I have known him since we were children as have you, and Taoism is a staple to him, especially the debates.  But I wonder........." he trailed off with the same glint in his eye which instantly had Zhe Yan leaning in over the table as if juicy gossip was about to spilled.

"You wonder what?" he whispered conspiratorially.

Leaning in towards him, both mens eyes sparked as the mischief in their minds took flight and having had more than enough of the plum wine which was double the usual strength given to other guests, they were soon devising a plan and one they knew would work.  They just had to time it right.

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