Just to Be Herself

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In the air and facing each other but still far enough away to feel the heat of an uninterrupted breeze passing between their clouds, Mo Yuans eyes shimmered with emotion at the sight of her.   Her own eyes were still wet from the tears she had been trying to force back, but what had him hesitating, was the look of utter defeat written all over her face.  It should have been a time of celebration and for many reasons.

Their upcoming wedding of course, the baby he was still coming to terms with and the final realms debate before the Grand Final in two weeks time.  These were momentous occasions in anyones life, yet all he could see in her eyes, was the fear, guilt, humiliation, heartbreak and devastation that he had contributed to.  Not only did she still love him, but she had thrown everything of herself into attending this day in the hope that he would forgive her and perhaps allow them to move forward. 

And for a brief moment as he stood there on his cloud unmoving, his mind went back to the very first day he had met her.  Back then, she had been an enigma that he had wanted to know. She had been confident, strong willed and regal.  A High Goddess of immense power, a leader of the largest and most successful tribe in the world and above all else, she was revered by the world, even though none had ever seen her face.

And that brought to mind the reason why she had really wanted to maintain her privacy.  Of course she didn't want to become just another socialite on a stage of fakery which he knew was how she saw the rest of the world, but the real reason was because she just didn't want to be put under scrutiny.  It was as simple as that.  She might have had the strongest voice of all of them, but she valued her privacy and personal space. 

Only he himself had literally dragged her from one end of the world to the other to ensure she met every obligation as the Taoist Grand Master because to his mind, she should be the ideal Taoist.  Only, she upended every single one of his norms, turned his perfect world upside down with her unintended mischief, the mayhem that followed her everywhere and even her beautiful face.  Every single of his ideals had been shattered by her and not only had he fallen head over heels in love with her, but she had literally given up the very thing she had treasured the most, just to win him back.

For Mo Yuan, this was quite a revelation.   On a cloud and looking very close to fleeing again, he felt the emotional turmoil she was in and suddenly he was moving rapidly towards her until eventually he was not only on her cloud, but she forced up into his arms.

 A small squeak erupted followed by a soft groan at the feel of her tear streaked face pressed up against his own.

"Im so sorry Mo Yuan.  I should have told you about the baby, I have no excuse other than I allowed my thoughts to run wild.  I should have given you the opportunity to explain, I should have come to you, I should have........" she gasped out in one long rush of breath before Mo Yuan quickly stilled her words with a press of his lips over the top of her own.

His kiss was neither gentle nor passionate, but rather it was heated and messy as if his mouth had taken on a life of its own while his thoughts struggled to get itself in order.  Even his hands moved about her body randomly which only had her own clutching tightly at his shoulders just to remain on her feet.

"Mo Yuan....... " she squealed between his lips and tongue which was now inside her mouth and near choking her.

Pulling back sharply, Mo Yuans gasping breath was all she could hear as her head was quickly dragged in against his chest.  It was the kind of reunion she had hoped they would have, only the unsettled energy and desperate desire to speak to him, soon had her pulling back to force his cloud to lower. 

In his arms, his eyes remained firmly on her face, the smallest of smiles edged his mouth as she took them into a small clearing neither were even aware of and as the cloud slowly dispersed beneath his feet, he felt himself being led towards the edge of a small grove yet still he noticed nothing of his surroundings.  The only thing in his line of vision was her, the smile on her face and the pleading eyes that were begging him to allow her this one last chance to make things right between them.

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