The Art of Communication

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The delivery of Mo Yuans gifts to the Fox Den was a quiet affair and other than himself and Die Feng, only Lord Pua was there to oversee the handover having chosen to forego the usual ritual of inviting the entire Palaces hierarchy and at Bai Zhis request.  He preferred a more private handover which also included the negotiations for the dowry which the Fox Den prepared to be sent to Kunlun Mountain the following day.

However, it was one particular gift from Mo Yuan that had Bai Zhi grinning from ear to ear though there were also tears forming at the corners of his eyes.  Opening the simple gold box that Mo Yuan handed to him personally, Bai Zhi was surprised to find the four elemental metals for fire, water, air and earth nestled in a birds nest.  And engraved into each piece that Bai Zhi was gently caressing with the tips of his fingers were words he knew by heart.  He knew exactly what the gift represented without having to read the words.  It was his duty to read it out,  only the emotions were rising which then had the rest moving forward.

Mo Yuan on the other hand stood stoically yet a little embarrassed by the fuss they were making over it as Bai Yi his older son read the inscription out loud.

"Obsidian.  Forged from the element of fire.  This is the stone of conception.  It is the stone of love, passion and new beginnings."

"Copper.  The conductor of energy and the anchor that earths oneself to any situation so that  nurturing can commence."

"Wood.  The foundation of strength and sensitivity.  This is the element of the wind.  It is the harbinger for change,  obstacles and birth.  The birth of the physical and the metaphysical."

"Lead.  Heavy so an anchor that not only keeps the balance and the weight even, but this is the Water Element.  It is the nurturer of the family unit because its strength maintains its hold on the ever flowing stages of development and growth no matter where you go or what you do.  Lead will always keep the foundations strong and dependable.

With her eyes on Mo Yuan as Bai Zhi then lifted out the small gift card attached to the nest, the tears she had been holding back, silently slipped off her lashes as Bai Yi then read the small card with a growing lump in his throat.

"The box is gold and this element holds many symbolisms from wealth to good luck.  However, there is another which is my gift to the father of the bride.  The lid is divided into two parts and is as yet to have the names of the children added.  Gold is the symbol for nobility and pride of which our children will have both, so I know that the names you give them will be worthy and honorable."

It was in effect a gift that gave Bai Zhi the right to name their children and though Mo Yuans eyes remained on the man himself, Bai Qians were blurred to the point of unseeing.  This was a gift that could not be matched yet it had been presented so beautifully and symbolically, that she doubted there was a single thing in her dowry that would come close to the grandeur of such a gesture.

Speechless and emotional, Bai Zhi merely nodded his head in acceptance.  To an outsider, it might have seemed such a weak reply for such a grand gift, but the tears in his eyes and the way his shoulders were struggling to remain high, said he was overwhelmed with gratitude and for Mo Yuan it was enough though none but Bai Qian noticed the disappointed at having given away his right to name his own children.  There were also tears in the corners of his eyes, but she knew that Mo Yuan would never have given away such a gift if he didn't mean it and if his friendship to her father wasn't so deeply rooted, so the soft smile she gave him was also enough. Especially when she knew he only did it for her.

And so the dowry was sent to Kunlun Mountain along with Bai Qian who had chosen to stay with Mo Yuan until their wedding which would take place after the Grand Final seeing as Mo Yuan had suggested that she needed to focus her attention on that while the wedding would take place directly after.

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