Ba Gua

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Quietly entering the Peach Tree Grove for the first time, the leaders of the world, their wives and first born children stared in awe at the beautiful lit lanterns, banners and twinkling lights dazzling the eye the moment they entered. And even more impressive, were the peach trees in full bloom. It didn't matter that the colder months were almost on them either, because the God of the Peach Tree Woods, kept his trees in perpetual bloom all year round.

The scent of the blossoms was obviously the first thing to hit, followed by the hushed whispers as other guests moved in behind and forcing them further in. But even though one of the prestigious weddings of the Immortal world was about to unfold, the breathtaking views glimmering off branch and leaf for miles, demanded reverent steps and that meant moving quietly, slowly and respectfully.

Over the high raised bridge they went, seeking the soft voices in the distance where a woodland sprite cheerfully directed them.

"High God Zhe Yan is awaiting your arrival." Mi Gi flashed a hand out towards the deepest part of the grove with an air of importance. His head was high, his shoulders back, and his demeanor suggested that he was just as much a part of the beauty they were surrounded by as the trees. "If you would kindly make your way...." he hurried them along before turning to the guests behind.

Moving in deeper, they kept their voices of amazement to a bare minimum while admiring the beautiful water features, rock pools, dais' and carved statues that suddenly sprung up without warning until eventually the grove began to thin out and the low voices they could hear, grew louder.

And suddenly, they found themselves bathed in sunlight as the clearing came into view along with the man himself who was explaining the procedures that would take place once the bride and groom arrived. So stepping into the tight group of people who had formed a wide arc, they then listened in awe as Zhe Yan explained the unusual eight sided platform he was standing in the centre of.

"As you are all aware, Mo Yuan and Bai Qian are Taoist Masters, therefore it is only fitting they have a Taoist wedding." he explained looking at the faces with a serious expression on his face.

"This platform is called a Ba Gua...." he continued as more joined them from behind to listen. "It is divided into two equal parts or halves." he tried to keep it simple so those who were unfamiliar with the formation he was standing on could understand it.

"Each half is divided in four equal parts, and that being Lesser Yin, Greater Yin. Lesser Yang and Greater Yang.. and each one symbolizes the eight natural phenomena as determined by the fundamental principals of reality." Taking a breath, Zhe Yan smiled at the children in the crowd who were edging closer to get a look at the symbols etched into each of eight segments he was now going to explain.

Pointing down at the segments, Zhe Yan slowly turned as each of the segments were explained.

"The forces which are in the Yin sections are Wind, Water, Earth and Lake. The forces within the Yang sections are, Heaven, Mountain, Fire and Thunder. And from these, we get the Yin Yang corresponding elements. Water is to Fire. Earth is to Mountain. Wind is to Thunder. And Heaven is to Lake." he grinned as a rush of oohs and aahs resounded about the platform in understanding.

"In the centre, is the culmination of the eight, and that being the symbol for Yin and Yang." he finished it with a flamboyant wave of his hand at the entire of the platform before elegantly making his way to join the guests who quickly swamped him with more questions on what the wedding ceremony would entail, what part the platform would play and would they get a view, as in where would they be seated, because there were no chairs.

"You may stand and watch or take your ease on the cushions provided." he replied before sending a flick of his head towards Bai Zhen who threw a spell straight at the surrounding trees.

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