The Grand Final 3

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"Mo Yuan. It seems so much harder this time around." Bai Qian groaned tiredly against his chest having just settled in for the night and just wanting to sleep even though the entire days events was still playing in her mind.

"It only seems that way because the numbers are much higher this time." Mo Yuan replied just as tiredly but pleased the day had gone well for him.

"I know you said there would be more entrants this year and possibly because of me, but its such a tiresome process. I honestly do not envy the judges." she sighed contentedly when his arms tightened a little about her waist to draw her closer.

"Its more than likely the younger women entered because of you and though most have already left, the door to future women has been opened, so take heart Qian'er. It might be tiresome now, but one of those young ladies may have been inspired enough to enter again and in time maybe take the title." Mo Yuan suggested with a wide grin.

In fact, he was actually pleased to see young blood entering even if they didn't last the distance. It meant that those who had held their positions in what had been a very reclusive society could no longer remain comfortable and he told her so. If they wanted to maintain their positions and rankings, then they had to work just as hard as the beginners.

"You make me sound like a martyr...." she giggled embarrassed by the flourishing compliment but silently pleased all the same... "I just hope the experience has been a positive one and like you, I hope they do enter again. Though I don't think my brother will dare to show his face anytime soon."

"I must admit to being puzzled by his exit." Mo Yuan admitted quietly... "Technically his answer was correct and though it could have been refined to just a few points, I can't help but wonder what it was that had him sent home."

If anything, Mo Yuan felt Bai Zhens answer surpassed many others there so the puzzlement was real only Bai Qian had an idea why he was ousted so early and she took no prisoner in informing him.

"The reason is as you stated dearest...." she replied turning her laughing eyes up to look at him.... "Like the elders who have remained far too comfortable in their set ways, Bai Zhen needed to learn that knowing a few things does not make him wiser than those that don't. This is a new age, so fresh young perspectives are far more exciting when delivered well than old stagnant ones and going by the way those judges are voting, they think so too."

Almost choking on the sharp intake of air, Mo Yuans eyes goggled down at the laughter in her eyes and the way she was trying to untangle herself from his arms knowing full well that she was now in trouble.

"Are you saying that those of us who have far more experience in these debates are wise-less, old and stagnant?" he asked incredulously and looking stunned by the second.

"I didn't say that. You did dearest." Her eyes twinkled while her very pregnant body tried to twist away from him.... "But if the shoe fits....." she trailed off before bursting into a fit of giggles when she suddenly found herself being flipped onto her back and her hands firmly held above her head.

"That comment just earned you a restless night." he whispered down into the eyes that were not goggling at him in both mirth and a little tiny hint of fear, because she really was exhausted and when he got that look in his eyes, she knew he meant it.

But the fear soon gave way to a soft sigh, when his mouth lowered to hers and his body adjusted itself around the lump of her belly to accommodate his.


Exhausted and moody, Bai Qian tiredly left Mo Yuan in bed sleeping. She learned very quickly, that despite the large age gap between them, Mo Yuans energy far surpassed even those half her own age. He might have chuckled a little at her foolishness, but he did not take too kindly to being thought of as old and stagnant, even if it was said in jest. So for almost the entire week, he had taken his pleasure until she was begging him to stop.

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