The Grand Final 4

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"What is Enlightenment......."

That was the question and with over half the contestants still to answer, Bai Qian and Pei Fang closed their eyes to await their numbers.  So far, every answer had been the same only worded differently, though Liu Feis answer had definitely given them both something to ponder on.  In fact, Bai Qian was highly impressed with her answer, because it was such a brave move.  The judges could go either way with it, but she had a feeling that the main judge might actually allow it, because the answers that followed were far more robust, and being the preliminaries, it was becoming more exciting.

"Enlightenment is the state of understanding based on logic and spiritual knowledge gained over many years of intense study and enactment."

It was a clever answer from Die Feng which she knew would make Mo Yuan very proud while several of the younger contestants which she assumed were also Taoism students offered their own thoughtful wisdom.

"Enlightenment is a philosophical state of being which is the wisdom and knowledge one seeks for personal inner growth from sources of authority and legitimacy."

To Pei Fang, this was an answer that came across as sound and knowledgeable, but lacked actual depth.  It was a students attempt to portray wisdom with what he liked to refer to as aggressive wording.  Words that immediately caught the attention.  Like philosophical and legitimacy.  But it was an answer worthy of a nod because it belonged to one of his students.  Though the following answer had his head stilling and his body straightening up when the number seventeen was called out.  It was her number, so the anticipation rose when she began to speak.

"Enlightenment is the use of reason, science and progress.  All three combined create a solid foundation of accumulated wisdom which can then be used to better the world, politics and the people combined."

Happy with her answer which even to her mind was good enough to go through to the next round, she sat back as the man she had been waiting for had his number called out.  She really didn't know what it was about him that captured her interest, but like Mo Yuan had been in her first grand final, the urge to know his name was becoming unbearable.  

"Enlightenment is a fine line between ignorance and understanding.  Whether one is aiming for higher knowledge or greater awareness of oneself, it requires constant maintenance to remain at a level that is considered acceptably enlightened.  Like the breath, it can fill the body and soul with sustenance, while the exhale can deplete it.  Therefore enlightenment is only as solid as the effort one is willing to put in to maintain it no matter how noble ones thoughts are on the well being of others and the world around them."

Almost choking on her own inhale, Bai Qians head automatically swivelled to the right hand side where his voice was coming from.  She thought she heard Mo Yuan chuckling over the sudden explosion of impressed whispers coming from the audience and a faint cackling coming from the left, but even louder was the hammering of her own heart in her chest having been directly challenged.

Shaking her head in mirth, she realised too late that she had literally handed the man the answer of the day and though she was now chuckling softly, she could have kicked herself.  But she lifted her head and took it on the chin.  She would not be so reckless a second time, and as the rest followed with mediocre answers of their own, Bai Qians strong sense of competitiveness rose.

In all, the third heat was a great success with a lot of great answers and a little more fight as each contender fought to remain.  But as was expected, ten more went home while the rest continued onto the next round, including Liu Fei who Yuan Shi allowed much to Ci Hangs surprise having thought her answer to be far too derisive.  While Di Jun merely looked bored as the ten either side of him quietly withdrew which included Chang Shan.

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