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Bickering the entire way, Bai Qian was fed up with a man she now considered to be nothing more than a sore losing chauvinist and by the time they arrived in the far northern Crystal Palace, while bypassing her brothers mansions, seeing as they were now late, her temper was flaring out of control.

"That's your problem isn't it?" she sneered between tidying her hair and glaring over shoulder as a row of guards appeared.  "You're just pissed because I took your title.  The Great Tao Master got his ass kicked by a woman who just happens to be better at something you consider yourself a master in!" she hissed at the eyes that were still laughing at her.  In fact, he had been silently laughing the entire way.

Having had to force her from the Grove in the most inelegant of ways and then suffering a few sore ribs and a split lip for his trouble when she took to kicking and punching to free herself before managing to slap his face when he almost toppled them both off the cloud to calm her down, Mo Yuans laughter was near bubbling by the time they arrived.

Despite the temper and non stop screaming the entire way, Mo Yuan was feeling rather invigorated for it.  She was the most feistiest woman he had ever met.  Her tongue was sharp in both insults and intelligence, but what had his eyes sparkling was the fire in her belly.  Not a single goddess that he knew, came even close to this womans ability to throw him off centre.  She never once drew breath the entire way, and nor did she repeat herself, everything that came out of her mouth was insulting and demeaning, while also managing to maintain a high degree of elegance.

Even now, as she continued to hiss under her breath while raising a breathtaking smile at the gathering group who had arrived to welcome her.  "At least these people know how to greet me properly.  None of them are suffering from celibacy frustration unlike you." her eyes sparkled brightly at a pair of young women who rushed forward to greet her.

Celibacy frustration? he almost most laughed out loud.  It seemed to him that she was very much put out by the way he had turned her seduction spell on its head.  If anything, he was seeing a woman very much scorned rather than just angry at being forced to yet another Tao debate that was now looking to be on track, because her hands were now grasping those goddesses hands in a friendly gesture while her smile seemed genuinely pleased to meet them.

"It's her!" someone gasped to his right.

"She actually came." another sighed in relief.

"Grand Master, will you introduce yourself to us today?"  another asked excitedly pushing through the growing throng to touch her.

"Please move back and allow the Lady to enter." yet another voice rose over the top of them all before a large opening suddenly appeared when several guards moved forward to create a gap for her and Mo Yuan who remained at her side.

"High God Mo Yuan will you introduce her" yet another asked and briefly putting a scowl on her face.  

As far as she was concerned, she did not need this man in particular speaking for her.  In fact, he had done more than enough.  The smile may have risen and her demeanor pleasant towards those who were still reaching out to touch her, but internally, she was fuming.  She hated crowds, she hated the claustrophobic feeling of being boxed in, and she especially hated men who thought she needed a man to speak for her, so she didn't even bother to look at him and nor did Mo Yuan who also found his question demeaning.

Instead he followed her in at the quick pace that King Liu Sheng had set to get her inside where the debatees were already gathered and waiting.  An enormous sigh of relief filled the air the moment she stepped inside and though the excitement was high for her identity, Mo Yuan also noticed several kings and princes eyeing her in a way that he knew would only set her off again.

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