Trial of Patience 1

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Watching on as Mo Yuan stormed from his hall, Di Juns eyes hooded over.  It had been such a very long time since he had ever seen Mo Yuan move that quickly for anyone during peace time.  Only the anger he had also left in his wake, had him wondering just how deeply invested Mo Yuan was with Qing Qius Bai Qian and why her identity being known was so dire going by the way he had also looked close to killing someone.

As far as Di Jun was concerned, it really wasn't a big deal that the world learned her identity, in fact, it was imperative.  She really couldn't continue to remain unknown, it was unfair to the rest and as a queen as well as the Grand Master Taoist, she actually had a duty to the people to be known, so her knowledge could be shared properly and that meant attending more than just the Taoism debates.  

Banquets, balls, dinner parties and all manner of meetings were where one would normally find the Grand Taoist Master and though attendance wasn't mandatory for those events, it was expected.  But that she had decided to remain hidden behind her seclusive barriers, suggested she had no desire to become a part of the greater world which he thought was more of a shame than Mo Yuan interest in her, because he was now considering whether to follow or not.

"I knew her identity would slip eventually, only I honestly didn't expect it to come from Mo Yuan." a low voice chuckled beside him and shaking him from his thoughts.

Turning with raised brows, Di Jun stared hard at the old man who had been his life time friend for as long as he could remember, and one that was looking far too smug for his liking.

"You knew who she was?" 

"Of course I knew.  It wasn't hard to figure out, seeing as I am also good friends with Zhe Yan and her father." Ci Hang replied while the laughter quickly died at the way he was looking at him.  "Don't tell me you didn't know." he gasped in surprise and ready to laugh out loud.

"I had strong suspicions, only I couldn't prove it." Di Jun replied as those still left in the hall began to slowly make their way out amid the excitement.

"Well, her secret was going to be blown eventually, the way those two were debating, I'm just surprised it took this long." he remarked causally while also wondering how long Di Jun would remain standing there or if he would follow.    

"Only I do wonder what will happen to them now.  I hear she has quite a temper on her and if she is anything like her mother, she will also be very unforgiving." Ci Hang mused while carefully noting the high interest from Di Jun which suddenly sparked into life.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" Di Jun questioned abruptly having found an excuse to visit Qing Qiu and no longer wanting to play host to a debate that was well and truly over.

Rubbing his fingers through his beard, Ci Hangs eyes erupted with mirth which he didn't bother to hide.   "Well, now that you mention it.  I think all this drama has made me rather thirsty." he grinned over his shoulder while moving away towards the exit.  "I wonder what Zhe Yan is up to?  I heard his new batch of wine has been bottled and ready to drink." he added merrily before striding casually out the door and leaving Di Jun to hurry the last of his visitors out the door after him.


On a cloud, in tears and shaking with anger, Bai Qian didn't look back once as Die Feng quietly led her home.  In his mind, he thought all three High Gods were being childish, but he said nothing, because he knew the moment he opened his mouth to speak, it might be his last words.  Because the anger pouring off her was actually frightening.  She looked murderous and ready to take a head from a shoulder and though several times he caught sight of Mo Yuan racing to catch up, he thought hit best that he lso kept that to himself seeing as it was probably his head she wanted to topple.

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