The Spirit of the Valley

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  Watching on with a rising smile, Ci Hang couldn't help but feel an overwhelming admiration for the young lady who had managed to upend that expressionless face that Mo Yuan was so well known for.   In fact, the more unsettled Mo Yuans energy, the calmer his eyes became.  It was a contradictory thought, because Mo Yuan rarely showed emotion for anything or anyone even when debates got heated as this one was about to.

So very few people in their world, had the ability to anger Mo Yuan because he lived by the laws of the Tao.  Inaction perfectly harmonized with the ebb and flow of life no matter how volatile a situation became or how unruly a person became.   He did not react to anything, yet the young lady had managed to ripple that energy even if it didn't outwardly show and Ci Hang couldn't help but chuckle.   

Especially when his hand involuntarily rose to lightly brace her back to guide her up the steps only to quickly drop it when she turned to wink at him.  If anything, Ci Hang was seeing another Mo Yuan only a female version and one that had yet to gain the same level of control that he did, though he suspected the lady had no intention of living the Tao to the extent that he did, rather she was there to irritate him.

And that was why he was laughing.  Many goddesses over the years had tried all manner of ways to gain his attention, some even going so far as to enter these kinds of debates to irk him into a reaction no matter how demeaning or embarrassing it was for them,  so long as he looked at them.  Only Ci Hang truly believed that this woman had no such notions, she was not interested in him as those Goddesses were, rather she was there against her will and fighting to upend what she was seeing as a sanctimonious know it all with just as much knowledge and wit as he possessed.  That was why he felt they were so similar in nature.

But even more astonishing was the elegance.  This was not something one could learn, it came naturally.  There was a regalness in the way she had addressed that young man, a stateliness that only those in power could pull off without effort and it was even more evident by the way Mo Yuan treated her, though he couldn't quite distinguish what Mo Yuan was doing that gave him that idea because he was generally kind and gentle anyway, only the respect ran much deeper, his smile when it erupted was genuine and even the anger held a little hurt.  

So whoever she was, Ci Hang believed, that should her name be given, not only would a stampede for her hand would ensue, but Mo Yuan might actually do something to prevent it.  And suddenly he felt the stirrings of excitement in the air, when they both finally settled down to continue a debate that had moved away from the initial desire to learn her name, to Mo Yuan who's choices she had thrust into the limelight.    

"It is interesting that you would mention individualism in conjunction with Celibacy." Mo Yuan began with a quick glance to his left where she was sitting facing the rest calmly while allowing him the chance to say what was on his mind in the hope that he would give her something to latch onto.  Though catching her brothers eye in the back row, she quickly lowered her gaze.  She did not want any distractions and especially not from him seeing as he was near clinging to Zhe Yan as if waiting for the hammer to fall.

"You see, the Tao is the ultimate spiritual journey of the individual.  Celibacy is merely the physical aspect of withdrawal from the natural urges the body produces as well as the control it has over the mind.  However, by organizing the energies in the body in such a way as to maintain a peaceful and joyful disposition, one can live in harmony with everything around him, because he has no desires.  And it is desires that create conflict in the mind, body and soul.  Whereas everything you need for a complete and happy life, is within yourself after all a Taoist does not lean on others for their happiness.  Do you not agree Lady Grand Master?"  Mo Yuan asked with a quirk of his brows having caught the beginnings of a very subtle eye roll though rather than wait for her to answer, he continued on even though he kept his gaze on her.

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