Interlude 2

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"Qian Qian slow down..." Mo Yuan hissed when her teeth sunk into his neck and her nails dragged down the full length of his back in a heated rush to take him.

Panting hard and near comatose from arousal, Bai Qian barely comprehended what he said much less the way his hands were trying to snatch at her wrists to bring the moment under control.  It had been so long since they had made love and after how angry he had been with her, the desire to make it up to him while gaining as much pleasure as she could, soon had her knees pressing in so tightly against his hips to keep him still.

At a complete loss as to how he was to take control without hurting her he instead but back the urge to laugh because he had never felt so weak.  His body felt like jelly and his mind was in chaos because despite the biting and harried way she was forcing his robes off him, Mo Yuan was actually enjoying himself.  Normally he would be the one to instigate their love making and because he liked to take things very slowly so as to gain the most amount of pleasure, this manic dash of lips and teeth searing a scorching path down his chest was actually rather exciting.

So deciding in the end to just leave her be, his head went back and his hands dropped to his sides while the rest of his robes were quickly pulled away from his body so her mouth could continue to nip and bite across his shoulder blades.  He wanted to laugh, because her big belly was preventing her from going further and he guessed she was too afraid to lower herself down if it meant releasing his hips, so she kept her kisses to just his upper chest until his breath began to deepen.

Only the moment she released his hips so she could slide down further, then Mo Yuan near jumped when the fire parrots above his head suddenly flew up into the air with a screech.  It was still mid afternoon, so the playful birds were frolicking in the tree tops, only the thought of every bird in his special sanctuary watching them make love, soon had him grasping at her shoulders to move them back indoors.

Joining the birds in protest, her own squawk was quickly drowned out by the rush of air as he sped them indoors.  Not only did he not want a grove full of birds watching them, but several woodland sprites appeared in search of the dragon fruits he would sometimes hide for them to find.  To be caught without his gown on and a near naked woman on his lap was not something he wanted them to see, so the screeching was soon covered by his mouth when he swiftly fled them back inside where every curtain was pulled shut with a short sharp spell.

Laughing into her mouth at the way she was struggling against him having thought he was putting an end to it, Mo Yuan fully took control by taking her straight to the large canopied bad in a chamber he had freshly decorated just for her.  Peach blossoms filled the vases, soft candles flickered against the thick coral coloured curtains while the the wine bottles were waiting on the side table for her pleasure.  It had been heavily diluted but he had also added a hint of aniseed to his brew to strengthen the taste and the moment he let go of her lips, then the romantic setting he had prepared for her, finally had her settling down enough to actually take notice.

But only for a second or two.  She saw the great lengths he had gone into making their chamber beautiful for her and the romantic undertones in his choice of colour only the way he was slowly edging her back onto the bed, soon had her back up on her knees and forcing him to not only lie down, but her own body was just as quickly twisting to place herself back on top.  She wanted desperately to take him without any input from him, or at least, not right away, and seeing the way he was allowing it, the fight to dominate eased up.

But only enough to ease his own fears for her safety because she could tell he was still hesitant to let her continue.  Her belly was large and taut and her breasts were almost three times their size, which meant they were not in proportion to her size.  They were swollen beyond anything he had ever seen and though he knew they were causing her a little discomfort, the size of them when she pulled her gown back had his eyes near bulging from his head.

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