The Art of Communication 2

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Briefly allowing his thoughts to meander forward, Mo Yuan couldn't help but worry for how ill prepared she was for the final debate.  Di Jun had enrolled, as had Ci Hang, her father, her two brothers as well Zhe Yan.  And from what he had learned from the whispers on the wind, Queen Liu Fei and several female Taoism students had also entered.  But even more exciting was the the Demon Lord had sent in a few of his own students and word on the same wind, said he too was entering.  In fact, mo Yuan was just as excited for this final as he had been for the last.

So what he was teaching her was how to use the tone of her voice rather than the words coming out of her mouth.  Pei Fang was the Demon Lord and though he lived by his own rules which were versions of the original Taoist Texts, he was by no means ignorant of the mystic knowledge found at a much deeper level so he could be considered a Master Taoist.  Including Di Jun, her father and even her brothers.  

So rather than focusing on what he was saying, he forced her to feel the words by using the tone of his voice to affect the different areas of her body and thoughts.  There was a definite art to this kind of communication and as he slowly edged his way in between her open legs, he continued to talk to her while her eyes remained closed and her mind focused on the tone of his voice and the affects he was having on her.

"It is said that a woman with child is as close to Heaven as one can get.  She not only bears the next generation, but she is also nurturing a highly evolved soul which has been gifted from Heaven itself.  So not only is she at her most beautiful, but Heaven itself has deemed her worthy."   his soft voice murmured in awe as his eyes rose up over her full rounded belly and towards the face which was both smiling and looking agonized.

"When you say things like that, I want to cry...." she replied opening her glistening eyes to lovingly hold his soft stare which really was worshiping the beauty of her very pregnant self.

"Then continue to listen dearest..." he replied a little annoyed that she was still merely focusing on the words rather than the tone of voice.  "As much as I already love our children, they're in the way." he said in the exact same tone he had used before, sot, gentle and filled with emotion.

The words were rather offensive to a new mother who in the middle stages of pregnancy would have already bonded to her child and would absolutely protect them from every little thing.  Including a father who thought they were in the way, only the tone of his voice both annoyed and confused her because one minute he was worshipping her body and the next he wasn't sounding all the happy with it at all.

Only the sparkle in his eyes and the slight tilt of his head soon had her realizing what he was saying.  Or rather doing.  She had merely focused on the words and not the tone, he wanted her to focus on how he was conveying his thoughts rather than what was coming out of his mouth.  It was easy to say what one wanted to hear, but the tone of the voice was where the truth lay.  It wasn't that he was annoyed at the lump in her belly, rather, he was figuring out how to make love to her without hurting them while also continuing to worship her form.

So raising herself up slowly, while using his arms to anchor herself, she then turned herself around so that she was sitting with her back to him.  Then dragging his hands to the front of her body, she not only forced him into a sitting position behind her but he was now able to continue loving her in the same way only in this position, it was more comfortable for the both of them.

"You have always been so thoughtful Mo Yuan.  Even when I never realized it." she whispered back at him in reference to the many times he had actually forced himself on her but only for her benefit which she realized he was still doing even now.  

"Just remember Qian'er... this final will see many attempts to upend you with all manner of words and there will no doubt be some who are proficient in using the tone of their voices to do just that.  It can be very subtle or an outright attack, but once you have mastered this form of communication, you will master them." he warned her softly as both hands at once eased up over her full breasts to gently hold them.

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