The True Art of Loving - 2

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On her blanket, Mo Yuan sat with her on his lap and facing him until she caught her breath.  He knew this first time for her would be magical, and he wanted it to last as long as possible and the only way he could do that was to pull her into a tight embrace.  Kissing her lips, cheeks, neck and back to her lips, Mo Yuan waited patiently for her to come back to him.   This part of love making was what he referred to as the initiation period, or rather a time of learning for the both of them.  

In his arms and continuing to be loved, Bai Qians body took far longer to come back to him than her mind and she put this down to the rise in qi energy which he had forced her body to produce much more rapidly than she was used to.   In meditation, her qi would rise gradually and this was normal.  But this kind of loving required the qi to build far quicker which allowed the body to endure much longer periods of love making while also heightening the pleasure.  And though her mind was back with him much quicker, her body was still trembling in his arms.

This was only the beginning for her because Mo Yuan wanted her to learn how to use her qi to not only heighten her pleasure, but his too and though it was already high, he knew she had far more in her to release which meant, that the orgasm she had experienced, came nowhere close to what she was able to produce.

He was learning her body and energy and in time, she would learn his, but he was not done with her just yet.  There were more special places on and in her body that he wanted to know and the moment her breathing began to even out and her attention was back on him, then he gently forced her back onto the blanket before rolling her over onto her stomach.

"Now that you have that out of your system Qian'er, I want you to focus solely on our combined energies.  When your qi is at its highest, your body will amplify every sensation and not only will your next release be greater and last much longer, but I will also feel it." he whispered down against her ear as his hands once again took to lovingly massaging the oil into her feet where he once again began the build up.

Next release? she wondered both excitedly and tiredly.  The first one had knocked the wind out of her, so to learn he had only just begun, had her stomach flipping over itself.  And this time, rather than just massage her body as he had done before, he was actually forcing his qi into the tips of his fingers in order to feel her energy rise.

"When energies become one during love making, they feel each others pleasure so the more effort you put into raising your qi, the more pleasurable it will be for both of us." he said in that same soft voice from before which immediately had her relaxing into it.  And as his hands slowly rose up the back sides of her legs, she actually felt his energy rippling against her own.  It was the most unusual sensation, but not unpleasant.  If anything, the more he gave of himself to her, the closer she wanted to be to him.  And not in the physical sense either, but at a much deeper level.  

This was all just as new to him as it was for her, because he had only ever used this kind of energy work for healing, but he had learned of Tantric massage years ago only he had not had a chance to test it even though he knew without a doubt that it would work.  After all, he was also highly knowledgeable in energy work and the sharing of qi which a healer did to not only read a patient but to also offer assistance.

Only rather than healing her and her him, Mo Yuan suddenly began to feel weightless as her body fully relaxed beneath him.  HIs breathing also steadied and his heart rate lowered a little.  It wasn't enough to discomfort him but it was noticeable.  So while she was fully focused on their energies, he was feeling the results.

Slickly rolling his hands slowly up the back of her legs before rolling them back down again, he could feel from her energy that she still had a way to go before she reached her second climax only this time, he wanted her to experience an orgasm without intercourse.  This was not an easy thing to achieve because it relied solely on the power of the mind.  One could have multiple orgasms if they raised their qi high enough, only this was her first time, so he did not expect her to master this art form immediately.  It took every ounce of concentration and control over her body to achieve it, but as his hands continued to love her just as intimately, he gradually began to feel the pleasure rising.

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