The Manner of a Master

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Allowing herself to go limp in his arms having tired herself out, Mo Yuan suddenly found himself in unfamiliar territory.  With a tearful and beaten woman in his arms and the centre of attention having drawn all eyes their way, Mo Yuan wasn't sure what to make of her or the situation he now found himself in, seeing as many of them were not looking all that pleased with him.

He had all but dragged her kicking and screaming out of the arena, even though to most of them, she was actually managing rather well considering.  After all, she had managed to keep to her feet during the horses initial awakening and in horse breaking circles, that was an enormous achievement, one that was fast earning her respect.

But that Mo Yuan even took it upon himself to remove her having thought she wasn't coping considering the cuts to her hands and the few kicks she had not managed to avoid, was one thing, but to also make her cry, was entirely another.  In fact, most of the men there were seeing her as a woman in a league of her own.  A woman of high value and definitely worth a marriage alliance even if she came from a lowly tribe.  

"Would you like to go and take a break somewhere." he whispered down into her ear while also very conscious of the fact, that King Liu Fei Wan was now storming towards them.

Quietly assessing the situation for herself out of the corner of her eye, Bai Qian quickly surmised that remaining where she was and in tears, was not the ideal situation.  However, Mo Yuan was the direct cause for her tears and having just been ripped away from the chance to tame her own horse, which was a triumph in the eyes of any stallion owner, she was not only growing angrier the more gentle his voice became, but she decided to take him up on his offer with a short nod of her head.

Turning back towards King Liu Fei Wan, Mo Yuan gave him a curt nod before turning her around to lead her back towards the private gardens which bordered the guest wings where both her and Mo Yuan would be staying over night, only to stop when Fei Wan abruptly demanded his attention.

"High God Mo Yuan.  As my guests, there are certain privileges that my guests are afforded, however seeing as the Lady Grand Master has just suffered a humiliation, I ask that she be allowed to remain here with me.  I am sure you understand." he stated matter of fact and with an outstretched hand towards Bai Qian who was looking back at him as if he had just told a bad joke.

"King Liu Fei Wan.  I apologize for the disturbance, however I wish to be alone with Mo Yuan for a short while, then I will return." she quickly butted in seeing as Mo Yuans face looked close to catching fire.  The anger pouring off him was instant, and though she could see no real reason for it, she gently steered him back in the direction he had begun to take while Mo Yuan glanced back once with a warning look.  One that said, none was to follow.

"She wishes to be alone with High God Mo Yuan?" someone whispered suggestively which immediately had all minds wondering exactly what was going on between them, because for one, Mo Yuan would not normally allow any woman to cling off his arm, and secondly, he looked ready to kill should anyone, including King Liu Fei Wan try to take her off him.

Chuckling under his breath, Ci Hang and Zhe Yan quietly retreated as the gossip about those two began to swirl.

"Do you think those two are together?" Ci Hang asked having also seen that look he gave seconds before Mo Yuan turned to leave.

With a raised brow, Zhe Yan also began to chuckle lightly.

"You mean, you haven't figured out who she is yet?" he asked incredulously.

"You know who she is?" he asked glancing at him with the same incredulous look on his face.

Laughing heartily at that, Zhe Yan really was surprised.  Ci Hang was an astute man, probably the most clever when it came to figuring out mysteries, so his question stunned him.  After all, Bai Qian and Mo Yuan had actually given away two clues already.  The first being the fact that she was highly educated in a topic that so few women were not.  Taoism, though followed evenly by both men and women, was not a subject a woman would choose to learn to the same degree that she did unless she came from a high standing family and one that was more than likely among the upper elite.

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