The Grand Final 9

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Holding her breath and counting to ten, Bai Qian gasped back the urge to cry. The pain around her lower belly was sharp and strong, but after a few deep breaths, it eased away again.

The pain had been coming on and off for a couple of weeks, but because it didn't last long and there were no definite signs of premature birth which her midwife had explained earlier in her pregnancy, she was loathe to inform Mo Yuan. She knew he would panic and not only that, he would force her off the stage which was where she was when the pain hit again. Not only would he storm her cubicle and force her out, but the entire world was on the other side and just the thought of the embarrassment alone, was enough to keep her mouth shut.

Though the noise from the audience was still high, so she doubted Mo Yuan would have heard her anyway, but she did force herself to calm down and drag her energy back in before he noticed. He had only just left her on the cushions of which there were far more than the last time and because he had also added extra filling to each one, she almost felt as if she were on a cloud. He had not spared any expense in the materials either. They were beautifully embroidered with her favourite peach blossoms and each pillow had her name engraved in gold. They were an extravagant gift by anyones standards, but they only increased the pressure to remain silent. He had gone to so much trouble and she didn't want to ruin it now.

So lowering her head to her belly, she whispered a quiet prayer to her children and then to the heavenly gods that might also be listening to keep them safe and quiet.

"Be good....." she whispered down with what she imagined to be a stern motherly look at her belly before quickly slamming her mouth shut when the noise beyond the curtain began to fall away and the scraping of chairs took over.

The judges had arrived and directly behind them was Mo Yuan whose attention was fully on the centre curtain. For the briefest of moments, he thought he had felt her energy unsettle and though he didn't rise, his body was wound so tight, that had the judges not entered when they did, he would have stormed back in having only just seated himself. But the polite nod from the twinkling eyes of an old friend, soon had him relaxing back in his seat.

Yuan Shi had attended his fathers school when they were children and not only had the friendship endured over the following centuries, but Mo Yuan held him in very high regard. Like Ci Hang, Yuan Shi was a Master in his field and had his father lived to see him take the first Grand title, he would have been so proud of him. Nodding his head back with a warm smile, Yuan Shi then turned back to the stage to begin the second to last session. Only two would go onto the Grand Final in just one weeks time, and he was just as excited as everyone else.

And like Di Jun and Mo Yuan, he too had figured out who the mystery man was based on his last answer, but rather than the astonishment and concern the other two felt, he was exceptionally excited for him. He was a fair man and he would judge this competition on the value of each answer, not on their identities, but to learn the Demon Overlord himself was among them, only proved that the Tao held no borders, it belonged to everyone and that this man had actually studied it to the degree he had, suggested he had been vilified unfairly, so for Yuan Shi, he applauded the mans bravery and effort so far.

Now quickly settling himself into his chair, he took a deep breath before calling out the question of the day which was aimed all three.

Di Jun, Bai Qian and Pei Fang were all world leaders, they were all High Gods and all were highly revered, wealthy and rather pampered in his eyes. The Tao from his perspective, advocated minimalism, yet all three seemed to live very charmed lives including the Demon whose wealth was rumoured to immeasurable, so he was interested in how each of them truly lived the Tao.

"Those who are new to Taoism, find many aspects of the Taoist way confusing and even in direct opposition to how they were raised. Explain how one maintains a Taoist lifestyle and what you personally do to maintain your own."

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