Dragon Wine

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She really had no idea what to say to him when he finally released her with a tender smile on his face and looking as if she had just dragged every star from the sky and placed them in his eyes.  Initially, the kiss felt both exciting and exceptionally nice.  Only the deeper into it they went, the more uncomfortable she began to feel because she knew exactly where a kiss like that one would lead.

So gently forcing him back, her head fell upon his shoulders while his head fell onto the top of hers to catch their breaths.  Mo Yuan knew this kiss was coming, because he had wanted to kiss her all day and more in part for the wonderful morning she had given him, followed by the solution to a very volatile situation and to end the day under the stars, there was only one response and that was to kiss her.  

It was exactly how he knew it would be.  Her lips were warm, moist, but very sweet and somewhere in that time, he had felt her moving him deeper into it.  Though what surprised him, was the fact that he was liking it far too much.  He needed no one to tell him where that kiss would lead her either, because the longer it lasted, the closer he got to lifting her off her feet and storming her back to his chamber.

Only now, and with her trembling body in his arms, Mo Yuan felt her forcing the distance between them, which he wasn't overly opposed to, after all, he hardly knew her, but still, deep down, he didn't like it.  But nor did he push it, instead he allowed her to lead what followed.  And as he expected, she was soon pulling back completely and forcing his arms to release her.

Her face was even more flushed and if he wasn't mistaken, there was a little embarrassment there in her eyes which she quickly lowered, but still he said nothing, because he had a feeling she didn't want to talk about what they had just shared.  If anything, Mo Yuan was sensing regret in the way she took a step back to create even more distance.

"Goodnight Mo Yuan." she said quietly before bowing her head at him as if needing to say and do something to end the awkwardness that had suddenly fallen over them.

"Let me guide you back." he replied quietly with his hand out.

Only this time, she did not take hold of it, instead she nodded her head and turned her back while he was forced to follow.  In fact, the awkwardness was increasing, because she was going the wrong way again, only he no longer felt as if she wanted physical touch, so coughing lightly while smiling softly at the face that turned to look back, he then pointed to the right which soon saw her veering off in the right direction.

Leaving her at her chamber door, Mo Yuan quietly walked away confused yet light.  Lighter than he had felt since her arrival.  That kiss was still lingering on his lips and for a brief moment, he had stopped a few steps away to lightly run his tongue across his bottom lip while staring back as if hoping she would come back.  But after a few minutes, he too retired for the night while leaving her alone to ponder on what exactly had happened.

And she was pondering on what just happened.  She had fallen so easily into it.  But what had her staring at the closed door between her and the man she could feel lingering outside was the fact that she even allowed it.  No man, had ever come as close to her as he had.  In the past, there had been the odd man who had shown an interest when she had stumbled on them in the grove, but none of them interested her in the slightest.

Whereas, from the very first meeting with Mo Yuan, her interest had been peaked.  Though mainly because he had been so uptight and forceful in the beginning.  He infuriated her beyond reason, while also raising the urge to upend his insufferable commitment to the Taoism society, which she liked to call it.   Only as the days and then weeks past, and more so lately, his attitude towards her had softened considerably.  

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