Moving Forwards

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Shyly accepting his hand, Mo Yuan led her from the den three days later.   The sun wasn't yet high, so it was mid morning, but it was warm and with a horse to deal with, seeing as she had not met with her trainers in all that time, she really wanted to continue with its taming.  In fact, she had been dwelling on a name for it, but seeing as these things took time once one learned the horses temperament and even the circumstances of its first days with a new owner, she thought she had finally found a name which she was discussing with Mo Yuan who was looking forward to seeing how far it had come since he last saw it.

"Gong Gong.  Why that name?" he looked at her in amusement having already determined the answer but interested in her interpretation of what was a very prestigious name.

Also amused at his reaction, she couldn't help but sneak a side glance at the way he was acting unperturbed when she knew for a fact he found the name just as fitting as she did.

"Well.  In ancient mythology, Gong Gong was a red dragon tailed Water God who was so disruptive and destructive that all disasters were blamed on him whether he was guilty or not.  Of course, he was mischievous and prone to causing all kinds of problems even for those who cared about him which I think is more than an apt name for this horse seeing as he fell into our world with his hooves flashing." she giggled a little at the memory of the mess he had made of Kunlun Mountain and then her own lands, which she would eventually have to take care of.

"But your horse is neither red nor a dragon." Mo Yuan reminded her with a straight face even though he thought her interpretation to be funny because it was most fitting.

"Ahhh, but like another dragon that I know, it too came into my life with a roar and its tail on fire even though it is not red or a water god." she quipped back before giggling into her hand at the way his eyes spun so fast to stare at her laughing eyes.

"I will have you know, that I am not the disruptive one dearest, that would be you." he quickly retorted with laughter in his own eyes seeing as he could clearly see the way her mind was formulating a response.

"That's not what you said just a few minutes ago...." she rapidly threw back and making those eyes dance when he roared with laughter.  In fact, Mo Yuan had just finished telling her how much peace and happiness she had just brought to his life and he really wanted her to be a permanent part of it and going by the way she was still shyly giggling into her hand, it seemed she felt the same way too.

Pulling on her hand to get her moving faster while also losing himself to that peaceful feeling he had tried to convey in words yet failing seeing as the happiness in his heart was indescribable, Mo Yuans laughter and the light banter continued all the way to the training arena where all her horses were trained.

"I can see I will need to be more astute when it comes to debates with you Qian'er.  You are far too quick witted." he finally replied as they moved into the arena where her stallion was standing at the edge and glaring back at her while her trainers had moved back to let it rest.

"Well, you had better be stay on your toes Mo Yuan.  After we have finished here, we have another debate to prepare for." she reminded him before releasing his hand.

Its nostrils were flaring, and its eyes were squinting hard, but the anger had subsided enough for her to get closer.    

"Careful.  He is not yet ready for a direct approach." Mo Yuan warned her even though she was quietly yet carefully moving towards it.

"I know.  But I am it's master, and it needs to come to terms with me." she replied adamant that she was going to win this horse over.

It had taken weeks of hard labour to get to this point, but all of them had seen the gradual changes in its behaviour towards her.  It might still be feisty and ready to kick up a fuss at any given moment, but it did lower its head a little at her approach, and to Mo Yuans pleasure, it even took a step back.  But that wasn't what she wanted.  She didn't want the horse to be afraid of her, she wanted a friend, one that she could rely on and one that knew could trust her.

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