Long Guo

527 35 28

Joining Mo Yuan the next morning in the low valleys to continue the search for more seeds, Bai Qians flushed face grew redder by the second the moment he came into view.  It had taken her almost an hour to force herself out of bed and then into the world of the living because she remembered why she had woken up half naked.  Her riding robes had already been taken away to be washed and then mended which wasn't a problem, only the fact that he had taken it upon himself to undress her, had left her red faced and unable to meet his welcoming gaze the moment his eyes fell on her.

"Did you eat?" he asked with his hand out towards her and with a wide smile on his face.

"I'm fine Mo Yuan.  I don't normally eat until mid morning." she replied to a shake of his head.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day my dear.  Why don't we go and get something to eat now and then when you're done we can do a quick search of the places you didn't manage to cover." he suggested though it was more of an order and after what she had managed to cause the day before, she wasn't about to argue even though she really wasn't hungry.

"Fine, but I will not do anything else until I have found a seed." she replied forcefully as he led her back up the mountain.

"But you did find one.  It was on your hand when I put you to bed." he chuckled at the sudden goggle of eyes and then a deepening of that blush having brought back the reason why she taken so long to get out of bed.

"I found one?" she asked stunned but unable to meet his laughing eyes.

"You found one, so even if we don't find anymore, the one seed will restart my garden again."

Shaking her own head, she had no idea what to even say to that considering he probably thought she was an idiot for having spent so long in the dark and cold when there had been a seed on her all that time.  But Mo Yuan didn't allow her to despair too long, because the moment the kitchen came into view, then his arm was about her waist and he was leading her in to choose whatever she wanted from the larders.

"Chang Shan as you know is the main cook here, though I do like to dabble." he grinned at her with a sideways glance at the door which also had her turning her head furtively just in case he walked in, because the look on Mo Yuans face suggested that he might be the Master of Kunlun, but not of his own kitchen.

Grinning at the streak of mischief in his eyes, being a look she never would have thought to see in a million years, the urge to laugh was unbearable but she held it in when an array of dishes were pulled from the cooler and set before her to take whatever she wanted while he continued to glance uneasily at the door.

"What will he do if he catches us in the kitchen?' she whispered as an apple and orange were quickly taken into hand.

Leaning down within a few inches of her face, his own took on a grim expression.  "Lets just say, I wouldn't trust what he dishes up for dinner tonight." he whispered back only to burst into pearls of laughter at the shock on her face.

"He wouldn't......" she gasped in horror being unsure if he was jesting or not.

"I was kidding.  If anything, he will give us the evil eye, and joking aside, that look is rather scary." he laughed some more as he took up a picnic basket to fill it with all manner of fruits and some she hadn't even seen before.

"Evil eye?" she laughed along with him.  "I think despite your tough exterior Mo Yuan, your boys are dearly treasured." she replied though a mouthful of apple while eyeing one particular fruit in his basket with interest.

"Well.  They are respectful and good boys, so I do protect them and though this is a special school for the gifted, the rules are generally for their safety.  I do however allow them some freedom to be themselves, and Chang Shan can be quite a handful when it comes to this kitchen, so it's best that I allow him this one freedom and it is even better if we don't tarry." he replied before quickly throwing back the rest of the food before leading her out.

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