The Grand Final 5

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The days flew by and twenty more people were sent home, bringing the remaining contestants to just fifteen though it was no surprise to see the last of the students leaving the stage along with Die Feng who had gone as far as he could.  That meant, only the masters and those deemed worthy of a place in the final remained which meant the judges now had the difficult task of determining for themselves who the remainder might be based on their past answers, mannerisms and knowledge while tailoring their next questions to them personally and for two reasons.  

The contenders needed a  challenge and the judges needed some excitement which meant five more would go home at the end of the day and seeing as the remaining were all women and men who had proven themselves to be highly knowledgeable in a subject normally reserved for the elite and highly ranked, going home now would be devastating.  But that only increased the excitement, especially when the question of the day immediately set tongues wagging behind them and the contestants on edge.

"What does the Tao teach us about same gender relationships?"

Sitting back as the crowd behind him gasped in united astonishment, Yuan Shi imagined the same look of disbelief was passing across the faces of most behind the curtain and he couldn't contain the smile when the audible coughing and shifting of seats could be heard the moment the first number was called and that being Donghua.

No one knew his views on the subject, because Donghua never gave away his thoughts even when confronted with it.  In fact, it was not uncommon for men to be in relationships with other men though it was not normal for women to share the same leanings as they were usually married off before they could determine what their preferences were.  However,  same gender relationships may have common among the immortals, but it was not necessarily accepted, especially in Taoist circles that followed the social norms of marriage to the opposite gender at a young age or a life of celibacy.  So the question did exactly what Yuan Shi hoped it would because the unsettled energy coming from behind every curtain was almost palatable.

"Interfering in the natural rhythm of another's path based on ones own ideals and preferences, will not only cause that person to isolate himself from the whole but eventually that isolation will create a disassociation from the whole.    The Tao teaches us to focus only on our own path while leaving others to theirs."

It was the opening statement from a man many contestants had already identified, so to learn his views on a subject that was rarely spoken about, was heartening.  But having also broken down his reply, Bai Qian realized that even though he had given an answer that might seem to support those who followed that path, he hadn't actually said so.  Rather he had merely answered the question by stating what the Tao teaches.  So with that in mind, her reply was aimed directly at him having had her number called next.

"The Tao teaches that life is not a normal or predictable process to be fixed when a situation that does not adhere to ones own beliefs or is considered broken or unnatural.  However what the Tao also teaches is righteousness.  And where ones righteousness is lost, there are only rituals and the beginning of inner confusion.   Remaining sensitive in the face of righteousness is not the way of the Tao when one allows rituals to replace the natural order of things."

This was exactly what Yuan Shi wanted.  The explosive exhale of breath just two seats away from her gave him all the excitement he could have hoped for which of course was followed quickly by the audience who agreed with her.  Had she had the ability to see the narrowing of Di Juns eyes along with the tight smile, she might have laughed, instead she sat back in her seat proudly smirking at the curtain as the excited whispers from the audience slowly died away when Yuan Shi dipped a hand into the bowl for the next number with a satisfied smile on his face.

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