Trial of Patience 3

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With his back to the door, and Di Juns hand firmly gripping his arm, both men were unaware of the light footsteps marching towards them having lost themselves to their argument.  Mo Yuan had no problem in taking a bath, only he had wanted to finish his conversation first.  But to be manhandled by a man whos intentions he was highly suspicious of, not to mention intruding on what was meant to be a private affair, meant he was not only losing his patience, but he was very close to striking the man.

"None of this concerns you Di Jun.  You have no right to be here.  I already told you that we are in a marriage trial and I have no intention of ending it, so I suggest you leave." he snapped angrily.

"And I told you that I am here to escort Queen Bai Qian to the Festival of Peaches and what you choose to see in that is not my concern." Di Jun replied calmly even though Mo Yuan could tell he too was losing patience.

"And I told you that as her intended, I will escort her.  You are not wanted here." Mo Yuan replied infuriated that he was even having this conversation.  

He had barely made it back into the den and wanting that bath to warm himself before sitting her down to talk, he was in no mood for Di Jun and whatever schemes he was concocting.  In fact, the old Di Jun from when they were younger men, was showing itself, and Mo Yuan was not liking it one bit.  He knew that he'd liked that woman from their youth, but in the end, Mo Yuan had shown him the kind of woman she really was because she would have only hurt him in the end.  If anything, Di Jun should have been thanking him, only he could see that his appearance now, was merely a way to get back at him, and Mo Yuans patience for his desire to settle an old score was wearing thin.

About to thrust him back so he could take his bath while also intending to throw up a barrier, Mo Yuan instead dove towards his robe which happened to be hanging right by the door.  Stark naked and reddening by the second, he was not quick enough to hide himself and rather than turn her back the moment she realized she had entered while in a state of undress, Bai Qian threw a burst of energy at him and knocking him off his feet, having mistaken his sudden lunge forward as an indecent act.

"Get out both of you!" she screamed as Mo Yuan quickly found his feet and a towel which he just as quickly wrapped around his waist.

"There was no need for that.  I was merely reaching for my robe." Mo Yuan snapped and fed up with her, Di Jun and the whole situation. 

Feeling guilty at having reacted too quickly and seeing how embarrassed he was at being caught unawares, Bai Qian at least lowered her eyes, but she meant what she said.  She wanted them both out of her den and she made no bones about it, when she snatched at his robe and all but threw it at him.

"I asked you to leave.  Dress yourself and go!" she commanded in a tone of voice he had never heard before and he had seen and heard every single one of her angry tempers.  

This one however, was the tone of a Queen, the same tone that had seen her toss Zhe Yan and even her father out of the den and for a brief moment, Mo Yuan almost fell for it.  Instead, he purposely turned his back on her, while ordering Di Jun to leave first.  He had no idea what passed between them, but he felt the mans resignation and even a hint of guilt in that energy before he quietly marched out of the bathing chamber and then the den without a word.

Mo Yuan however, had far more to say, only he needed her to leave him in peace so he could get himself in order.  He had already embarrassed himself enough, and though he would dwell on that later, he was not going to face her naked much less cold.  So waiting until she too left him to change, he instead lowered himself into the hot bath and took his ease.

Quietly returning to the main den where Mi Gu was hovering close with the hot tea and a meal which he had quickly rustled together,  Bai Qians steel cold eyes soon had him lowering the tray onto the low table before quickly turning on his heels.  When she got that look in her eyes, he knew that he was no safer than Mo Yuan and seeing as Zhe Yan and Master Ci Hang had all but taken him under their wing, he quickly made his way back to the Grove to fill them in on the latest developments of a drama that he wanted no part of.

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