Te Grand Final 8

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Heading into the hall, Di Jun quietly scanned the audience through the thick barrier that was keeping him hidden.  He was perhaps the only one of the four final contestants capable of doing so.  Not even Bai Qian and Zhe Yan could see through the heavy Celestial Barrier that Yuan Shi and Lord Pua were using to keep their identities secret.  And though Mo Yuan would have been able to, he was not a part of their small group.

Briefly his mind went to that man.  He had a strong suspicion that Mo Yuan had thrown the competition but for what reason he hadn't yet determined.  He didn't think it was just to keep Bai Qian in the competition and nor did he think it was a strategic move of some kind.  If anything, he felt it strongly had something to do with her condition which was understandable.  Still to think Mo Yuan had purposely left when he was more than capable of winning, did anger him.

The Grand Master Taoism Debate was a privilege to enter. It was not a game or nor was there a viable reason for quitting save perhaps if a life were in danger.  But having no real knowledge of the intricacies of pregnancy, he could not see a reason for her condition to be a reason to leave.  Therefore, in his mind, Mo Yuan was strategizing in her favour, it was the only viable reason which he decided to deal with when the debate was over.  But with the moving guards either side of him and the packed hall noisily gossiping among themselves, he once again looked about the sea of faces with interest.

From what he could determine, the majority of the audience were from the Celestial Tribe.  But there were a few from Qing Qiu, Kunlun Mountain, the far west and northern territories.  But even more surprising was the sudden appearance of several Darklanders from the Ghost Tribe, the Demons and Scorpion tribes and all of them were using the same heavy barrier to keep their own identities hidden.  Which meant his rival was indeed the Demon Overlord as he had surmised earlier in the competition.

This excited him, because it meant their overlord was not only a very competent Taoist Master but he was more than worthy of the Grand Taoist Master title.  In fact, the closer he got to his seat on the stage, the higher his excitement rose.  Not only would a win for the Darklands cause an uproar among the light realms, but it would force the world to accept him and his as equals.  He would have attend all future Taoism debates and therefore mingle with the light realms as a peer and the thought of the usual uptight snobbery that most brought with them being turned on their heads, gave him something to actually look forward to.  

In fact, not only had Bai Qian brought drama to the tight circle of Taoist Masters, but it looked as if he would too.   By the time he was seated, Di Jun was quietly rooting for the Demon to win it and just for the excitement alone.

Zhe Yan on the other hand was completely oblivious to the packed hall.  His only thoughts were on remaining as far as he could.  He had no preconceived ideas on how well he would do or even if he truly wanted to win.  The thought of having to attend future debates was not something he wanted to think about and he was only there because he had been coerced into entering.  But he would give his absolute best regardless, so for him, he was treating this day as any other.

While Pei Fang merely tried to ignore the scent of peaches that he was scenting from both Zhe Yan who was ahead of him, and Bai Qian who was behind him.  If anything, he was the most anxious for this day to be over.  To lose now was not an option.  Fourth place may as well be seventy fifth whereas third was a little more tolerable.  Second however was acceptable and of course first was preferable, so his only aim for this day was to remain in the top three.

Now on the stage and once again waiting for the judges to arrive, Bai Qian struggled to remove the goofy grin from her face.  Mo Yuan had made love to her through the night so not only was her body comfortably sated, but the large overstuffed cushions on the floor that met her gaze when she entered her place on the stage, had her smile near splitting her face open.  Mo Yuan had meant what he had said.  Not only would she be comfortable for the full duration of the debate, but she could also lie down comfortably or sit if she preferred.  Either way, no one beyond the curtain could see her very pregnant self being eased onto the cushions by Mo Yuan who had sneaked in ahead of everyone else to ensure her safety.

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