The True Art of Seduction

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Tired, embarrassed but grateful to be finally leaving the Eastern Palace with her stallion, Mo Yuan and two trainers who would continue to teach her saddling, Bai Qian tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but she felt humiliated. And by Zhe Yan of all people.

"I should have known he was up to something." she muttered under her breath as his words continued to play havoc on her thoughts.

"My dear, don't take it to heart. Zhe Yan has always been this way, surely you know that?" Mo Yuan whispered down into her hair and making her cringe at the laughing eyes looking back at her when she turned her head towards him.

"Of course I do, but that was not nice. He purposely threw me onto the rock so to speak and you don't have to look so happy about it either." she retorted before moving out from under his arm having been pulled towards him to keep their conversation confidential.

"He has always been one for mischief, and Ci Hang too in his youth, only I never thought the two would actually pair up like that." Mo Yuan mused and thoroughly amused.

It was bad enough that Zhe Yan would be laughing at her, but for Mo Yuan to also think her humiliation was funny, was only increasing her desire to prove them all wrong and if anyone should know how hard she would battle to win over the lot of them, it should have been Mo Yuan.

And that had her mind delving inwards. To her mind, Zhe Yans words were no less demeaning than Bai Zhens. Her brother deemed her incompetent at debating the Tao and Zhe Yan deemed her incompetent at seducing anyone, both of which she felt herself to be a master in. In fact, she had been tutored in the art of seduction by her mothers people, her Grandmother and her aunts included, and it wasn't just seduction spells she had mastered either, but the inner workings of a mans mind and heart which she learned how to manipulate.

Only the longer she dwelled on Mo Yuan and the kind of man he was, she knew without a doubt that he would not fall for any of the spells much less a woman hell bent on seducing him. After all, he had centuries of practice in keeping that sort of woman off him. He knew every trick there was to know.

All but one and that one thing was where her mind was at when they arrived on kunlun mountain with a heavily sedated horse to immediately tend to.

"It would be best to let him sleep for this day and we return to training in the morning." Ming Gao stated firmly and being the head trainer and a man who knew what he was talking about, she didn't argue, because truth be told, she was also tired and a little out of sorts.

She had not planned to stay on Kunlun Mountain with her horse for the next few weeks at least, and having no clothing or any of her personal items on hand, she began to look around uneasily. She was the only woman there and it seemed Mo Yuan was very aware of her unease, because he immediately set about leading her towards the end of the mountain where his own personal chambers were.

He had his own sleeping chamber of course, and several others he used for all manner of duties, but he also had a private guest wing which incidentally had never been used in all his time on the mountain. So quickly putting his young disciples to work, he not only had a wing complete with several sleeping chambers ready for her to choose from, but she also had the use of his personal bathing pools, outdoor gardens and recreation areas as well as his personal library should she want to relax.

"It is too much Mo Yuan, I can't possibly accept all this. Just a small room in the main guest area is enough for me." she stared bug eyed at the large chamber fit for a queen and cosy warm with the lit hearth which only made her feel even more guilty for having literally imposed herself on him.

"Nonsense. You are an elite guest. I insist." he replied grinning from ear to ear as he led her in where there was also a tray of refreshments waiting for her.

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