Second Date

527 36 13

"What is this?" she asked stumbling in the doorway to stare about the restaurant that looked as if he had set it on fire. 

Every table in the room had been pushed to the sides to create a circle and in the centre was a table set for two.  On top was a vase filled with freshly cut plum blossoms and on the entertainers stage sat a woman dressed in the ancient garb of old plucking a zither 

It was possibly the most romantic thing she had ever seen, even more than the plum tree grove and for a moment, she merely stood there goggling at it.  She knew this restaurant well, because she often visited with her brother and sometimes the elders when discussions of importance called for a more gentle atmosphere.  Only it seemed as if Mo Yuan had gone to a lot of trouble to create a scene of loveliness and all for her sake.

 Only rather than the hustle and bustle of customers coming and going and the loud clang of dishes being tossed about in the back kitchen, the song Autumn Thoughts by a little known composer Qiu Si began to quietly fill the air with both romance and hope which soon had her turning to look up at this man who had once again rendered her speechless.  

"Come dearest.  You've been working hard today and this is just a little reward for your efforts." he smiled at her wide eyes before taking hold of her elbow to lead her in.

"But Mo Yuan.... Im not dressed for this." she tried to argue while pulling back a little to stop him.

"You could be wearing a flour sack and I would still think you looked beautiful." he replied chuckling at the rising flush of her cheeks.

"But my hair is....." she countered lamely while trying to tame her wayward tresses with the other hand.

".....far more exciting than your stallions." he finished for her and making her mouth drop.

It was meant to be a compliment seeing as her horse was by far one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen so in his mind, what he saw was a head of beautiful black hair spilling down her back.  It might have been a little tousled, but he had never liked the more coiffured look that the other women wore.  He preferred the natural look which was how she normally wore it.   Only she did not see it that way at all.  In fact, she snatched her arm out of his hand before taking a step back.

"You think I look like a horse?" she asked glaring at him and ready to walk back out the door again seeing as she really didn't feel all that elegant.

"No.  I am saying it doesn't matter what you are wearing or how you wear your hair.  You look beautiful to me." he replied so softly that her eyes instantly began to moisten.

Raising her head, she sniffed in concession before taking his outstretched hand while doing her best to avoid the laughter in his eyes as he led her to their table.

"I do hope you don't mind my dear.  I took the liberty of ordering for us both." he said as her seat was pulled out for her.

Sitting down, Mo Yuan then sat himself down opposite.  He wanted to sit beside her, but he also wanted to see her face and every expression as the night unfolded, and the look of awe that was drinking in the atmosphere was enough to keep the smile on his face as he then leaned in to fill her cup with the plum wine.

In the back ground, the sound of the zither was barely audible.  It was just loud enough to add that little something special without being intrusive and rather than the hustle of bustle of the kitchen beyond the side doors which one would normally hear, all was quiet seeing as only the one chef had remained to cook the special meal Mo Yuan couldn't wait to feed her.

"How do you think the hearing went dearest?" he asked and breaking the awkwardness she was beginning to feel.

Instantly her head went back to that hearing which she found hilarious seeing as it was so easily dealt with.  But the look of expectation on his face as he waited for her to answer, soon had that laughter bubbling beneath the surface.

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