A Very Special Bluebell

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Mo Yuan knew his thoughts were perhaps bordering on childish, but it was very difficult to watch her sitting at a table for two, with another man and unable to join them without making a scene, so he quietly retreated to the side of the hall to talk with Ci Hang and a few others who were eager to hear his thoughts on the debate so far.

The debate itself was going well as far as he was concerned, and other than the small obstacle Di Jun had thrown in her way having demanded she give away her rank, the rest of the morning had earned so called points for all three of them.  Not that it was a competition because it wasn't, but a debate of this magnitude, did require skill to remain in it and so far she was holding her own which impressed him even more.

Only the way Di Jun was leaning in too close while filling her bowl with foods he knew she didn't like, had the scowl rising which Ci Hang noticed much to his growing annoyance.  In fact, Ci Hang was reading the situation clearly.  It was obvious that Mo Yuan had feelings for her though to be honest, he really thought she would kick him out of the den on day one of their so called marriage trial, only Zhe Yan had informed him that Mo Yuan was still in the den and the two of them had been seen all over Qing Qiu. 

Only watching as she giggled at something Di Jun said, while accepting the food with gusto, along with the scowl on Mo Yuans face, soon had him moving to stand between them and therefore blocking his view.

"The Lady Grand Master is quite accomplished at debating wouldn't you say?" he asked grinning at him.

"Yes.  She is more than capable of holding her own." Mo Yuan agreed horrified at the way she was eating the stuffed mushrooms which he knew she hated.  That she was actually eating them was one thing, but with a smile on her face and looking as if they were far tastier than the ones he had cooked for her, only increased his irritation.

"Then we can take it she will be entering the Grand final?" Ci Hang tried to steer Mo Yuans attention onto himself and for one reason.  He was gaining attention, and those who were in attendance, were an astute bunch. 

 It didn't take much to figure out why Mo Yuans energy was unsettled going by the way he was now craning his neck to see what was happening on the dais.  So it was obvious the jealousy was rising, only Ci Hang was doing his best to calm him down before the rest took to adding more to the gossip that was already swirling about them.

They were seen holding hands on numerous occasions, Mo Yuan had been heard calling her Dearest, she had stayed on Kunlun Mountain, the only woman aside from his mother to do so, and word of their trial had leaked from Qing Qiu though none were able to verify that.  Now feeling the heat from the anger that was rising beside him, he knew that if he didn't get the man outside for a walk, all hell was going to break loose.

Mo Yuan and Di Jun had known each other since children and though they did consider themselves good friends and even brothers, there had been an incident in the past that almost undid that friendship and all because of a woman both men had fallen for.  Of course they had been much younger then and so lively, so the competition between them had been quite fierce. And so it was Mo Yuan who won the girl in the end, only to have his fun before letting her go which upset Di Jun immensely having considered her a possible life time companion.

And had war not broken out, both men might have fought each other because of it.  Luckily though, that war saw their friendship deepen, but Ci Hang knew that Di Jun still held a little anger because of that woman, and so to see him on the dais and possibly making a move on a woman that Mo Yuan now considered his life time companion, only had the unease rising.

Because for one, Di Jun would never use a woman to get back at him, instead he would aim to take her off him completely.  And it wouldn't be just any woman either.  Bai Qian had  made quite an impression on the man, big enough to have Di Jun moving in on her which no woman in the world had ever come close to.  In fact, her ability to debate wasn't really all that hard, any woman could debate an issue if they cared deep enough, only there was something different about her, something that stood out from the rest, and though he couldn't quite determine what it was, it was enough to excite Di Jun into acting out of character because the man was placing the food into her mouth himself.

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