Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 – My First


Myles and Julius stood in the exit area of the airport waiting for Chris' family to walk from baggage claim. Myles checked his phone seeing a message from his mother and rolled his eyes. He read the time and it was 5:20 PM and the drive from JFK to Bey's house in East Hampton was going to be more than a 2 hour drive since it was now rush hour.

"There they are." Julius pointed out, walking up to them and talking their bags from them. Myles walked up and greeted his aunty and uncle then took the backpack from Clint since he was still recovering from his surgery.

"How was the flight?" Myles asked as they walked out of the airport and to the SUV that was parked out front. "It was a little bumpy but it was alright." Mama Joyce replied as Julius opened the door for them to get in.

Beyoncé was asleep in her seat with her head resting on the window. A hand on her bump and the other tucked between her thighs. Joyce cooed getting behind of Myles and the children followed behind of them. Once Clint was in Julius closed the door and got into the passenger seat and the driver pulled off.

"Wait, where's Roro?" Myles asked aloud. Joyce sighed then gave him the look. He shook his head then unlocked his phone. "She needs to chill bruh." He stated as his fingers tapped at his phone screen. He was sending a text to Chris asking him what time he's leaving the studio.

"She saw the post and right as we were gonna get Ro she said she wasn't going. I tried to reason with her but her crazy ass mama sided with her. I know how stubborn they both could be so we just left. I really wanted my baby to be here to celebrate this day with her father and this is really gonna hurt and anger Chris when he sees us here without Royalty." Clinton spoke up and the base in his voice stirred Beyoncé out of her sleep. She moaned rubbing the back of her neck. Her eyes opened and she looked out the window seeing that towers of downtown New York City.

"Well hello sleeping beauty." Myles greeted a now awake Bey and that caused everyone in the car to release a soft chuckle. "Myles you gon' leave me be now." She joked along with him.

Their relationship has come a long way. From that intimate moment they had that night on the couch to now, they were basically long lost siblings. They had a very unique bond that none of Chris' past girlfriends of flings could only dream of. This goes to show that the love Bey has for Chris goes beyond him alone. She loved his family just as much and she even treats Royalty like she was her own blood. It's amazing to see that happen during the distancing her parents have shown her and Chris since they found out she was soon expecting.

She got Angie to send out invitations to her parents as well with hopes that they'd try to show some type of support of her but so far either of them has said replied. "David how much longer until we get to the house?" Bey asked running her hand through the ends of her golden locs. "Well the traffic isn't so jammed so in about an hour and some change."


"Bro I'm tired as fuck." Chris mumbled sitting back in the passenger seat of Jamie's Rezvani Tank. Today was supposed to be a day of celebration with the boys but it turned out to be a day of awkwardness and tension. Not to forget the endless time Keri tried to push up on Chris in the studio. It was only a matter of time before she made him her target but before leaving the studio altogether, he had to put an end to her antics before it became disastrous for him and what he's trying to build.

Jamie and the guys just watched the forceful energy Keri was giving off. Chris walked out of the booth with her hot on his tail. She reached out and ran her hand down his back and Chris grabbed her hand then turned to face her. Everyone could tell that Chris reached his breaking out of her constant harassment.

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