Chapter 9

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Chapter – Scared

Christopher Brown | Richmond, VA

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Christopher Brown | Richmond, VA

I laughed along with Kelly as I held Beyoncé's hand walking to the front desk to sign her out. The doctors finally cleared her and she was set to go. After ole boy left I've been getting this feeling that some shit was about to happen. I shook it off because I didn't want that negative thought to ruin the great mood Bey was in so I didn't say anything.

We were standing at the front desk waiting for the rude ass receptionist to give Bey her discharge papers so she could leave. As we waited two police squad cars pulled up at the entrance of the car. We all watched as they rushed in, guns drawn and all.

"What the fuck is this?" I heard Solange mumble but I didn't pay her no mind. The negative feeling I got increased as they roamed the room until they landed on me.

"Christopher Brown, you're under arrest for the assault of Ammika Harris." My eyes bulged out of my head in shock. "To who!?" I asked him. He aggressively grabbed me and slammed me to the ground.

"Aye nigga chill the fuck out!" I exclaimed to him as he mushed my face into the ground. "Chris stop moving please!" I looked around the room seeing people recoding what's happened. I raised my head trying to look at Beyoncé but the officer slammed my head into the tile flooring.

My vision blurred as static banged against my ear drum. "You're hurting him!" I tried to clear the blurring but my eye stung. I could taste led in my mouth as he pulled me from the ground. I could hear other voices but couldn't make out who they belonged to.

He dragged me out of the lobby and shoved me into the backseat of a squad car. "Woman beater."


They pushed me into the interrogation room and slammed the door shut. I sighed, running my hand over my hair. I winced feeling throbbing in my forehead. I touched it seeing blood on my finger. I was starting to feel light headed. I took a seat and placed my head down on the metal desk.

"Nigga don't cry. You're alive, you're gonna be okay." I repeated the words over and over to myself but I was too scared to believe them. I wiped my eyes with my shirt as the door opened. I looked up seeing an officer and a chocolat toned woman standing before me.

"If we don't get a paramedic in her right now, this will be the last of this station." She gritted to the officer who quickly left out of the room.

I wiped my nose as I stared down at my bloodied hand. I could feel the tears building up as I just watched. I feel like I was having an outer body experience. I couldn't think of anything other than my daughter right now. She's my all and I can't even imagine the heartbreak she would've felt if something worse happened to me than it already has.

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