Chapter 41

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Chapter 40 – My Darren

Beyoncé Knowles | October 1st 2020 | Hamptons, NY

This morning I woke up in not so great of a mood. I was still feeling emotions from last night's encounter with Shawn and I can't seem to get it out of my head but it was an eye opener for me. It showed and proved that he only cared about himself and what he could gain from all that he has done and not once did he even stop to think how his wife would feel and the impact his decisions would leave on his daughter. I just don't understand why I stood beside him all those years. I stayed and took the same mistreatment from him like a sponge, just absorbing it all. I'm a fool but one thing I know is a fact, I looked like a bad ass bitch doing it. That may or may not be a good thing but I really didn't care. All I know is that I was getting my ass out of this situation before it becomes something greatly damaging.

Onto better news, I will be having dinner with Chris and I couldn't wait. I haven't seen him in little over a week but he does call me if not every day, every other day just to make sure the baby and I are doing perfect. It warmed my heart that he still gave a fuck about me after all the heartache I had brought to him. I guess it's a sign of his maturity because I knew if I was him, I would have never once picked up my phone to call.

I just truly want to raise my baby in a stress free environment and just be at ease. I'm tired of worrying about the bad that could happen with everything. I'm already feeling some sort of stress from work because I had to put one of my major projects on hold due to my pregnancy and I really hated it but I had to do what was necessary. I also have been writing and recording new music and I couldn't wait to actually get started on my new album. I still had all the other songs I recorded months ago saved and I'm planning on releasing them very soon. I'm just waiting on the perfect timing to do so.

I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I would normally be drinking a glass of wine at this time but unfortunately for me this baby wouldn't let me turn up. I also invited Michelle over to help me look for an outfit for tonight and I also needed her words of wisdom. I would call the other girls but I didn't need to feel their judgmental energy projecting unto me. I would've called Chris but he's most likely busy with work and I wouldn't want to pull his focus from that.

I sipped my water then looked in the fridge for my cherry cheesecake yogurt but it was gone. I sighed, rolling my eyes because I knew for a fact Larry raided my fridge before him and Laurent left yesterday. He always stealing my snacks but I'm going to get his ass.

The doorbell rang and I placed my bottle down on the counter then speed walked to the door. I could see Michelle's silhouette from behind the glass cut in the door. I opened the door and moved aside to let her in.

"Hey girl!" She beamed giving me a quick hug. I smiled from her warm embrace then closed the door but not before realizing there was a man in the window of the other house watching me. I stuck up the middle finger before closing the door.

"Julius!" I shouted through the house and within five seconds he was standing in front of me. "There's a man in the house next door. Check him out and make sure he wasn't up to anything suspicious." He nodded walking out the front door. I walked into the kitchen to find Michelle munching on a granola bar.

"So what's been going on boo?" Michelle asked me once I took a seat at the island next to her. "Well Shawn finally came home and let's just say he won't be here anymore." She stopped eating her snack and looked at me.

"No baby you gotta give me all the details." I chuckled at her nosiness.

I started to explain everything to him and let's just say I wasn't the only one feeling the emotions.

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