Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Cheeseburger

Christopher Brown | April 8th 2020| Tappahannock, VA

I rolled out of bed and the first thing I saw is a picture of my daughter, sister, parents and myself. We took it at my family's Christmas dinner a few years back and it's one of my favorite pictures to this date. Family was a big thing for me, I liked being around people since I feed off of energies, it was the best thing for me. I don't like being by myself because I get into my head and start over thinking just to hurt myself in the end. That was something I needed to work on and it's currently in progress.

I stretched then walked into my bathroom. I did my hygiene routine then put on my unreleased grey Black Pyramid sweat suit and my white Nike slides. I walked into the kitchen to see my chef making my morning protein smoothies. I needed the energy and this was a way to start off my day.

"Morning Manuel." I patted his back walking into the pantry to get me a granola bar. I walked out and my smoothie was in my thermos sitting on the counter.

"What would you like for lunch?" I pondered as I sipped my smoothie. "This shit is fire." I complemented Manuel. I continued to think back to his question and I didn't want anything too heavy since I got practice later. "I'm thinking fish. Steamed preferably with potatoes." I told him.

"Veggies?" I laughed at the way he said it. "Sure, I can eat some veggies." I chuckled imitating him. "Aye! Remember I cook your food." My laughter stopped as I stale faced him. "Remember I write your cheques." I narrowed my eyes as I picked up my gym back that was next to the door.

"Aight Manni, I'm out!" I exclaimed as I picked up the keys to my Lamborghini. I closed the door and walked to my garage. I popped my butterfly doors opened then slid into the seat. I threw my bag in the passenger seat then closed to door.

Moments later, I pulled out of my driveway making my way to the gym. It was only twenty five minutes away but it took me a longer time since traffic was on the road. To help pass time, I turned the radio on and Beyoncé's new song Find Your Way Back played through my speakers.

Just hearing her voice made me smile. The only way I could remember how she sounded was by listening to her music and watching interviews. I could imagine how she sounded in my head but it didn't feel the same. 

"I'll always support you no matter what."

And that's exactly what I did. I bought every album she has even released. Both digital and physical forms. I've bought a ticket to watch every movie and concert. When I told her I'd always be with her I meant it. I didn't give her my favorite hoodie for nothing. 

I chuckled, thinking back to the night we said our goodbyes. It hurts like a bitch but it had to be done. I just know if I had stayed in Huston, I would've only been a distraction and she wouldn't be where she is and neither would it. Now she's the standard for music. She has a loving family and that's all I wanted for her to have. Although I couldn't give it to her, she still had what she promised me she was gonna get.


I parked my car and got out. I locked it as I made my way to the entrance. I scanned my membership car as I made my way to the lockers. I went to my usual locker and placed my bag in it. I stripped out of my suit and into my shorts and tank top. I put my clothes into my locker and made my way to the treadmill.

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