Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 – Worries and Headaches

Beyoncé Knowles | October 2nd 2020 | Hamptons, NY

I looked at the clock above my dresser and it was only 6:22 AM. I got home a little after 5 this morning so to feel this energized was a bit bothering to me. I may have slept for a little over an hour but it felt longer than that. I just wished the actual timing of my sleep could match the feeling.

I had to get Blue ready for school and then take her to Shawn's condo for the weekend. I had a free day today so hopefully I could catch up on some more sleep and start writing again. I had a lot of ideas flowing through my head and I wanted to get them out before they disappear on me.

I got out of my bed and walked into my attached bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and unclipped my wig. I grabbed my makeup remover and started to scrub my face. Once I was done I brushed my teeth then rubbed a little moisturized into my skin. I left my bedroom altogether and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and opened the window over the sink. I looked out and saw Chris' car still outside. I raised an eyebrow in confusion as to why he was still here.

I walked into the common area and opened the coat closet that was close to the door. I pulled out a cardigan and wrapped it around me. I deactivated my alarm and opened the door. I walked to his car and the sound of the engine caught my ears.

"Why did he leave his car on?" I asked myself. I looked through the passenger window to find him asleep with his seat reclined. My eyes trailed up to his face and I giggled at how adorable he looked asleep. He had one arm behind his head while the other rested on his thigh. His shirt was unbuttoned and his pink lips were gapped just a little bit. He looked highly comfortable but I knew he was feeling a little cramped.

I walked over to the passenger side then opened the door and the AC hit me dead on in the face. I carefully leaned over him and reached for the key in the ignition. Before I turned the car off I made sure the car was in park then I cut the power to the car completely.

"Who the fuck!?" I laughed at his jumpy but yet discombobulated expression. "Good morning sleepy head." He rubbed his eyes then stretched. The car shook as his body trembled.

"Morning—wait. I slept here?" I giggled once again sitting back in the passenger seat. "Yeah you did. You should've been back at your hotel but I guess you thought my driveway was better." He sat up bringing the back of the chair with him.

"Man you wore my ass out." His rasp was stronger due to the lack of vocal work. The hairs on my neck rose as his voice vibrated my eardrums. "For a pregnant woman you got hella fucking energy." I lightly shoved his shoulder while he chuckled.

"It's too early for you to be cussing Christopher." I lectured him. He threw his hands up then placed them on the steering while. He looked ahead of him then a loud yawn passes his lips. "Damn I'm tired." I reached over and took the key out of the ignition. He reached for them but I was already out of the car. I closed the door and he got out as well.

"Get your ass inside. I'm not gonna let you endanger yourself or anyone else." I could hear him protesting but I was already at the front door. "Get your ass in her now Christopher!"


Once Chris was sprawled out across my bed I started on breakfast for Blue. As expressed before I wasn't the best cook so I just settled on a grill cheese sandwich for her and some fruits. Once I was done with her food I walked back upstairs to her room. It was directly in front of mine so I didn't have to walk any further down the hallway.

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