Chapter 47

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Happy Beyday to the Queen herself

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Happy Beyday to the Queen herself.

Chapter 47 – Stop Sign

Keri Hilson | October 5th 2020 | Staten Island, NY

"Sir you can't put that in your mouth!" I rushed over to him to take the electrical wire from him. I popped him on the hand and his lip started to quiver. "Please not this crying! I'm already stress out dealing with your dads and I don't need you adding to it!" I picked him up and sat him down in his play pen. I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer before opening them.

I sat down on the couch trying to relax my mind then the doorbell sounded off. I rolled my eyes on the brink of tears. I haven't gotten any sleep since Sir has been home for the last day or two. He came down with a head cold and I didn't feel safe sending him to school so I kept him home which I now regretted.

Kenny isn't here to help me because he moved out yesterday and I don't even know if he's coming back. He packed all his stuff and never once looked back. Jay is wherever he is at and not answering any of my messages. I don't know what the hell to do and it's all stressing me out.

On my way to the door I heard Sir's loud wailing and cries. The doorbell rang again and I was stuck between answering the door or attending to Sir. "Fuck!" I rushed to the door and unlocked it then ran off to see what was wrong with him.

I looked into the pen and he had snot all on his face with vomit on his shirt. I took a deep breath then picked him up hoping it would stop his crying but it seemed to wake it worse.

"Girl what you got going on in here?" I looked back to see Kelly and Lala standing next to the couch. "And who this baby?" Lala asked once again.

"Give me a moment y'all." I walked through the house until I got to Sir's room. His crying never stopped and he was now giving me a headache.

"Shut the fuck up! Shawn isn't here and you are driving me crazy!" I snapped at him and all his crying stopped. "I've been here with you all damn day and where's your daddy!? Probably out fucking some hoe behind Beyoncé's back as he always does..." I was rambling so much that I didn't hear when the girls walked in.

"So it's you?" I jumped clutching my chest. "I told y'all to wait in the front!" I tried to close the door but the pushed their way in. "If y'all don't go I'm gonna call the police." I threatened but they didn't seem to bothered.

"We shoot a movie together and became friends and all this time you were smiling in our faces knowing you were sleeping with our friend's man?" Kelly confronted me. I looked from her to Lala and she shook her head. "You mad trifling and I really wanna wreck yo' shit but I'm not. Karma already dealing with you and I'm loving the new look it's giving you." They walked out of the room and disappeared down the hallway.

"I ain't need y'all anyway!" I yelled after them. Lala turned back down the hallway and stood facing me.

"Sis we didn't need a man or a child to get a startup. You're not even second best to any of the bitches he done fucked and there were many. I also wouldn't be so happy that I got a baby either 'cause it's just a reminder that I failed at getting the ring and the entire bag."

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