Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 – Don't Hurt Yourself

Chapter 6 – Don't Hurt Yourself

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Beyoncé Knowles | Richmond, VA

"So this what we doing Shawn!? HUH!" I yelled swinging the pan at him again. "Sleeping with trailer park trash!?" I continued to pound the metal bottom into his skin.

"I'm sorry Bey!" He yelled clutching his arm. "Sorry my ass!" I yelled, this time aiming for his head. A loud pang echoed throughout the room as he body then feel to the floor. I dropped the pan and looked at the woman who was wrapped up in the sheets.

I chuckled as I removed my earrings. "You gon' get your ass beat as well." I chuckled then pounced towards her. I had her hair wrapped around my fist as my other connected with her face. "Amma make sure you remember this!" I slammed her head in the wooden headboard of the bedframe. It left a dent but I didn't let up on her.

"Stop! Please!" I ignored her slamming her face unto my knee and the sound of bone cracking made me smile widely. I pushed her onto the ground punched her in her throat. "No more dick sucking for you." She slapped me and I resumed my punches to her face. She was swollen and turning red but I didn't care. I was pissed.

"Should've kept you stank ass pussy closed for business." I let her go. I watched as the blood trailed down her face and stained the white sheets and my clothes.

I got off of her and watched the two of them. The tears finally streamed down my face and I just allowed them to fall. I watched as Shawn struggled to get up. I turned away from his as I headed for the door.


"Fuck you! You have me out here looking stupid again! Did you forget I'm pregnant!?" I shouted, my voice cracking and my vision blurred momentarily. "I didn't mean for this to happen!" He yelled back. I laughed hysterically, trying to find the logic to his words.

"Are you sick in the head!? Fuck outta my face!" I walked out the room. "Beyoncé just listen—" I flicked his hand off of me. "Nigga this ain't Dreamgirls!" I yelled in his face. He tried to touch me but I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me." I warned him. "We're not leaving this room until we get to an understanding Beyoncé." He grabbed me roughly and I punched him in the nose. Blood oozed out and trickled down his face.

"You fucking bitch!" He pushed me and I could feel the air leaving my body as I hit the hardwood floor. I gasped loudly, trying to fill my lungs with oxygen but to my dismay, nothing worked.

"Mommy!?" My vision was spotty and my hearing way very scratchy. I saw a small pair of feet standing in a pool of blood. I tried to look up but everything went black.

Christopher Brown | Tappahannock, VA

I got out of the car and walked to the front door but stopped briefly when I saw Ammika sitting down on my step. I slowed down my walking as I got closer to her. Her head shot up and she stood up once I was in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I dropped my bag on the step next to her feet. "Well you weren't answering my calls so..." I chuckled as I watch her. She had her hand on her hip and the look of a black mother waiting for you to explain yourself.

"Fix your attitude and if I wanted to answer I would've." I pointed out. She step down walking closer to me, she looked up with a mean look in her eyes and a sly smirk. "Why you keep playing with me Chris?" I chuckled, moving back from her.

"Look here, if you're coming here to start drama then I suggest you go." I moved aside to walk to the door but she rushed in front of me, blocking me from stepping any further. "Who's the bitch Chris!?" she pushed me back. I sighed running a hand down my face. She was starting to aggravate me and I wasn't in the mood to be dealing with her bullshit.

"Look, I'm not about to argue with you about my personal life so get your ass off my property." I replied in a calm tone. I wasn't gonna let her get a hostile reaction out of me. The media has seen enough of that shit and I'm not gonna let them get one now. "I ain't going no fucking where until you tell me who the bitch is!" She yelled. "Oh my god bruh!" My country accent slipped which meant I was getting real annoyed.

My neighbor's dog started barking and then the lights turned on. "Bro can you please fucking leave!? You're being all loud and shit and you pissing me off!" I snapped at her. My nostrils flared and I shut my eyes tight. I needed to calm down but she was really pushing it. 

She walked up to me and started pushing me. "WHO THE FUCK IS SHE!?" She kept pushing me and I just snapped. "YOU'RE THE FUCKING BITCH! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BRUH!" I yelled in her face. I saw her lip quiver and I rolled my eyes. I huffed walking around her and headed for the front door of my home. I picked my bag up, unlocked my door and slammed it shut.

"People always fuckin' with me every time something good pops up my life!" I mumbled walking into my bedroom.

I was about to strip myself of the clothes I was wearing when my phone rang. I picked it up seeing an unknown number. I usually let them go to voicemail but something didn't feel right. I answer and I heard a beeping sound in the background.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hi, I'm Angie, Beyonce's assistant. Is this Chris?" I nod my head as if she could see me. "Yeah, that's me. What's wrong with her?" I asked. I walked out of my room and downstairs into the kitchen.

"Well we're at the Henrico Doctors' Hospital and she says she wants you here. She fell down the stairs and they had to rush her to the ER." I could feel my heart drop. "Te-tell her I'm on my way." I quickly hung up the phone. I picked up the keys to my Lambo and got in.

I really hope nothing bad happened to her. I don't think I'd be able to go through that heartbreak. She was my greatest weakness besides my daughter and if lose her, I'm losing my soul.

I shook my head of the negative thoughts but myanxiety was rising and I couldn't help it.

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