Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 – Protectors


The girls were the first to come down the stairs to see a fuming Jay standing six feet away from the bottom of the staircase. They lined up beside each other to prevent him from getting up the stairs.

"Why are you here Jay? You here to get your ass beat again?" Solange cocked her head with a sly smirk on her face.

"Bitch shut he fuck up! Where the hell is my wife!?" He yelled at them but no one was fazed by his shouting. They just laughed in his face and that only pissed him off more.

"Nigga you don't run shit here! You never did from the start!" Kelly cackled as he pointed at his face. "You looking like a beat up tomato!" The other girls laughed along with her. Jay closed his eyes and reopened them.

"BEYONCE! GET YOUR HOE ASS DOWN THESE STEPS RIGHT FUCKING NOW BRUH OR AMMA BEAT YOUR ASS!" They stopped laughed and watched him with their head tilted.

"Is this nigga that delusional?" LeToya asked looking at the other girls. "Girl Jesus cured a blind man maybe he can do the same for jumbo lips over here." Michelle snickered after realizing what she just said.

"Bitch she said jumbo lips!" Solange shouted then cackled along with the girls for the third time in a row.

"Man if y'all don't get the fuck outta my way—"

"What you gon' do?" Everyone looked up seeing Chris standing beside a quiet Beyoncé at the top of the stairs. "You deserved your ass beat right now but I ain't gon' do shit." He chuckled walking down the stairs with Beyoncé right behind him.

"Bey are you fucking serious!? Thirteen years go to waste just like that!?" He shouted moving closer to the stairs but the girls pushed him back.

"You ruined it for us Jay. I just tried to be your wife and love you but you didn't give a fuck about me unless I was carrying your child." Beyoncé spoke in a calm tone, not having the energy to rise to his level.

"Shut that shit up Bey! I gave you everything you ever wan—"

"Except your love Jay! I shared you with so much women and I'm not gon' let it continue! I'm not gonna fuck up my peace for you!" She raised her voice. The front door open and giggles filled the room. Blue came running in with Julez behind her. She stopped in her track seeing the standoff between the adults taking place.

"Julez baby take your cousin outside to go play." Solange instructed her son as he followed her instructions.

"C'mon Blue! We can go play on the swings!" They ran off and the front door closed. Julius and Angie were standing behind of Jay who was now surrounded.

"Y'all got me fucked all the way up!" He yelled pulling out a gun aiming it right at Beyoncé. Chris moved in front of her and just smiled.

"You do seem to have the guts to do some shit like that but you're a weak man who takes his anger out on the women he claims to love." The smirk on Chris' face made his blood boil. He was fuming so much, his face turned a shade of red.

"Says the man who pleaded guilty for beating a woman himself." His words had no effect on Chris.

"I owned up to my shit and we still cool so what are you really getting at?" He laughed loudly and everyone in the room looked at him like he was crazy. They were terrified in the moment and didn't want anything to happen to him but it won't be him who was in danger.

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