Chapter 39

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Y'all.  I literally said I was gonna update tomorrow afternoon but i couldn't help it.😅

Chapter 39 – I Miss You

Christopher Brown | Richmond, VA

My father got out of surgery late last night and we couldn't stay since it was passed visiting hours so we were back on our way to see him. I wasn't as anxious because I had great news to share with everyone and I couldn't wait. I was going to keep it within my close circle because I didn't want any news getting out to the press. I know how Beyoncé is with her privacy and this is a baby we're talking about. No one else needs to know until we're ready for them to know.

"Family of Clinton Brown!" We all got up and followed the nurse to his room. We didn't really need the nurse to direct us but it was their protocol. We got to his room and there was the doctor from yesterday going through whatever it was with my dad. I still don't like his ass for walking off without properly explaining what the hell was going on yesterday. I still want to beat his ass.

We walked in and his face lit up. Seeing him smiling and this happy was putting me at ease but it still was overwhelming seeing him in this place. I absolutely hate hospitals and it isn't new to anyone.

"I was wondering when y'all would get here! I'm hungry and these people wanna feed me some glob and call it mash potatoes and gravy!" I shook my head as we laughed at his antics. My father is always the life of the party, I guess he is where I got my energetic side from.

"Daddy you gonna rasie your blood pressure being this loud." Lytrell spoke as she planted a kiss to his cheek. "Girl a lil' shoutin' is good for the soul." He turned to his grandchildren. "Y'all come give me damn hug! I haven't seen y'all in a long time." Aria and Haden walked to his bed and he engulfed them in a big hug.

"Oh y'all about to make me cry!" My mother exclaimed and I pulled her into a hug. She's been very emotional since my dad has been here. I'm not sure what other factors are contributing to it but I just hope she's okay.

"Well you better not wide your eyes because I got good news." I sat down on the chair next to my father's bed and everyone sat while my mother helped my dad sit up in the bed. She handed him his food and he dug in like his life depended on it.

"So Beyoncé popped up at my front door this morning..." I trailed off, waiting for a reaction but they were listening to me instead. "We talked and it felt good to just be with her. I haven't seen her in what? Four months? So it really was warming just to hear her voice." I smiled slightly. I really did enjoy being in her presence. It wasn't intimidating as it would usually be.

"We just caught up on a few things. She said she was looking into a definite divorce and that she's having a baby. Our baby."

"Boy done scored the jackpot!" I laughed as well as everyone else. "Congrats baby brother." I smiled at my sister.

"Yeah, I'm happy as hell. I even cried, I ain't gon' lie. It hit home because y'all know I never got to be around Nia during her pregnancy so this felt like a void was being filled." Thinking about another mini-me or mini-Bey running around really made me happy.

"I got it all on video." Myles smirked wiggling his phone between his fingers. I shook my head. "How the hell you even know she was there?" I asked him.

"Do you know me to sleep?" I pondered and nodded in agreement. "You right, you right."

"Let me see." They crowd around my dad and the audio of the video filled the room. "Myles this video is almost 30 minutes long, the hell." My sister mumbled.

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