Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 – Closed Book

Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter | Staten Island, NY

My weekend with my kids was one of the best times in my life currently. I got a chance to bond with them on a deeper level and it really showed me I had to be better for them. The example of love I have set and shown in the public and private life wasn't the best and as a parent it's always good to recognize your faults.

Although Keri can be a bit difficult that never stopped me from seeing my son and now with Bey's and I split pending I had to be much more involved with Blue. But it's going to be hard to do if I'm going to be in LA. I have been making plans to move out there for a long while and I think it's the best decision for me. Although most of my business links will be NY based I just needed something new for myself. I wanted to start afresh and become a new man.

"C'mon y'all." I opened the door then unstrapped the two from their seats. Blue had a booster seat and Sir was in his car seat. He reached up for me and I lifted him in my airs. I slung his bag over my other shoulder and helped Blue out of my high vehicle.

"Yay!" She exclaimed swinging from my hand. I laughed at her playful moment then closed the door. Walking up the stone walkway of Keri's house I reach the doorstep. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

"Dada! I want juice!" Sir whined while pulling on my ear and nose. "Sir you had juice on the ride up here so you're not getting any." He pouted then his lip started to quiver.

"Aye you better stop that cryin'." He looked up into my eyes and quickly wiped his eyes and nose. "Good. You'll get juice later." I rang the doorbell again realizing I've been standing out here for almost ten minutes and it was starting to get very chilly.

"I'm coming! Bang!" I rolled my eyes. The door swung open and it watched as shock covered her whole body. "What are you doing here!?" She whisper-yelled at me and I smirked realizing that her husband must've been home by her appearance. She had on a silk robe and lingerie underneath.

"Well you were to pick him up two hours ago but you wasn't answering your phone so I came here." I looked behind her to see a shadow approaching. "Now can you move aside? It's getting cold out here and my child would like some juice." I pushed myself in and Blue followed behind me.

"Keri who's at the door!?" Her husband's voice echoed through the house as it got closer. I stood next to her with a proud and petty smile on my face. "N-no-no one baby!" She cried to cover herself with lying but she was too late.

"Aye! Why this nigga holding my son?" He started to walk up to me but Keri got in between us. "Baby let me explain."

"No, fuck explaining. If you can barge yourself into my house and put me on blast in front my daughter you can handle the fire baby girl." I stepped in front of her. "I'm Shawn, Sir's father and you been playing house with my side piece." I stretched my hand out for him to shake but he slapped it away. I chuckled turning my head to Keri who was behind me with tears rolling down her face.

"I'll pick him up on Thursday afternoon." I handed him to her and kissed his forehead. "You be good baby boy." I ruffled his hair then turned to Blue. "Let's go baby. Your mama should be home by now."

"Good 'cause I don't like her." She pointed at Keri and I just laughed. "Neither do I baby."

We walked out the door and as it closed the yelling started. Now I know how Bey felt when she beat my ass with the skillet. Though I did hit her, I've apologized and vowed to never put my hands on another woman again. I also know how Chris felt when people call him a woman beater. It really burns your character especially when it's not even the type of person you are. Now thinking about it I do have to apologize to him for how I treated him in the past. I had some growing up to do and it has already started with Blue.

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