Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Say Goodbye

August 28th 2005 | Houston, TX

Beyoncé laid her head on Chris' chest, listening to his heartbeat. Chris had his arm around her back, staring up at the ceiling. They had the covers pulled over them, no one saying a word. They had just shared the most intimate moment they could've given anyone, their innocence.

Beyoncé didn't know that something such as sex, an action looked down upon by the black families could feel so renewing. She loved the feeling Chris gave to her. It was something that would be with her as long as she lives.

Chris looked down at Beyoncé, her curly hair sticking against her forehead. He couldn't wrap his mind around what happened early. With him being so inexperienced, he did things he didn't know he was capable of but he saw the look of pleasure on Beyoncé's face. That showed him that whatever he was doing, he was doing it well. They way her skin felt against his. The scratching, moaning, gasping. It drove him crazy but sadden since he wouldn't be able to feel it again. He was leaving Huston in a day and although he didn't want to leave, he had to.

"Christopher?" Beyoncé called out. He looked down at her, seeing his hazel eyes staring at him. "Yes baby?" He asked.

"I don't want you to go." She stated. He sighed pulling their bodies against the brass heading of the bedframe. "I don't wanna either but you know I got to." He spoke, pulling the covers over them even more.

"But if you leave, I would miss you too much." They both chuckled. "I'm gonna always be here." He replied looking down at her. She lifted herself off of his chest to get a better look at his face. She saw the different purple and blue bruises on his neck and chest. She blushed looking down.

"Don't look down. Just know that no other girl will ever do what you did tonight." He spoke in a tone that displayed admiration.

"But what about us? Will we still be in touch?" She asked him, she could feel the tears threatening to fall. "Look at me Giselle." Whenever he said her middle name, it means business. She looked into his eyes and the love was there. "No matter what happens I just want you to know that I love you and you'll always be in my heart. No one will change it." He saw the tear roll down her cheek and quickly wiped it away.

He sighed, the words he was about to say slowly breaking his heart but it needed to be said. It was for their best and soon, they both will realize it.

"Look, after I leave, I want you to promise me that you'll focus on your music. I want you to promise me that you'll find another man to love you the way you need to be loved. Mostly, I want you to promise me that you'll remember me." He spoke softly but sternly. "I can't—"

"Yes you can and you will. I'll always have your back even when you don't feel I do. I'll be with you even if I'm not by your side." He pulled her face closer to his. She nodded as the tears fell from her face. "Promise me Giselle."

She looked up into his eyes; the pleading tone in his voice broke her heart. "I-I-I promise." She spoke softly. He gave her a small smile which she returned. "Now let's get you home before your daddy sends a search party." They shared a light laugh as they got themselves clothed.

Once they were dressed, Chris checking the time seeing its 1:23 AM. He looked over to Beyoncé who had just finished strapping her sandals. "I'm ready."


They walked hand in hand down the sidewalk of Third Ward. They didn't say anything, just listening to the breeze flying by their ears. Whispering sweet nothings into them. Chris knew that saying goodbye was the hardest thing he could've said but knew it had to be done.

It would be unfair for him to tell her to wait for him. It didn't sit well with his spirit. Even if he asked, Beyoncé could only wait for so long.

They passed the pallor they first met in and they both smiled. Beyoncé could picture the day like no other. Vividly and clearly. She looked up at a smiling Chris then back to the empty sidewalk. "Were you scared to talk to me?" She asked out of the blue.

"Scared, no but nervous, hell yeah." They laughed together. "My hands were all sweaty and you ain't even know I existed yet." She giggled trying to picture a nervous Chris.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" She asked. They were about five houses from her house and they slowed down their stride. "Your smile. I saw how your face glowed and I just had to at least get your attention." He spoke thinking back of the day. "I didn't even care for your number if I'm being honest. I just wanted to talk to you." he looked down at Beyoncé who too had a red face.

"Well here we are two months later." They chuckled, standing behind a tree in Beyoncé's yard.

They looked at each other, not saying anything. Beyoncé looked over at the house and back at him. "I'm gonna miss you so much." She said barely above a whisper. "I'm gonna miss you more Beyoncé." Chris pulled her into a hug. She wrapper her hands around his torso, face sinking into the red hoodie he wore. They pulled away and Beyoncé held his hand then released it. She backed away from him. She turned around walking to the house.

Chris felt his back pocket feeling the gift he had for her. "Beyoncé!" He called out but not too loudly. She turned around seeing him jogging up to her. "I know your birthday is coming up and I got you something." He handed her the rectangular box. She was going to open it but he stopped her. "Open in when you're inside." He smiled.

She wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. Their tongues exploring the deeper the kiss got. They felt their stomach fill with the butterflies it always had whenever they got intimate. Nothing could ruin this moment, not even if her parents come out the house in this very moment. They pulled away, foreheads resting.

"This isn't goodbye, it's a see you soon." She stated. "One day, I'm gonna wake up to you in my arms and I'll never let you go." He pecked her lips. She blushed looking away from his gaze. He pulled off his red hoodie leaving him in only his white tank top and his jeans. "Take this." He draped it over her shoulder. His familiar scent filled her nose as she sniffed the fabric.

"Hurry and get in before someone sees us." The smile never leaving his face. "I love you Christopher." She kissed him one last time. "I love you too." She rushed over to the window she once climbed out. It was a challenge jumping up to the ledge but she made it. Once he was in, she closed the door and quietly rushed upstairs to her room.

Her parents were still sleeping and so were her sisters. She pulled the curtain for her room window and waved at Chris seeing him standing in front her yard. He waved back and ran away from the house. That toothy smile on his face he had when he first met her didn't downsize. He could feel the tingling in his lips and the pounding in his chest.

He loved her and she loved him, there was no shame in it.

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