Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 – Still Locked In [1]

Beyoncé Knowles | May 27th 2020 | Upper East Side, NY

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Beyoncé Knowles | May 27th 2020 | Upper East Side, NY

I stared up at the ceiling with a sleeping Blue on my chest. I didn't get much sleep last night because I couldn't stop crying. I usually give myself 24 hours to go through the motions of things but recently everything that has been happening feels like a never ending Fast and The Furious series. I just need a very extensive break from reality and I just hope I can get it soon.

I eased out of bed and stood in front of the curtains to the large window of my hotel room. I pulled the curtains open revealing the busy streets. I sighed closing my eyes as my body soaked up the sun. I heard shuffling and I turned around realizing it was coming from my phone.

"Chris?" I called out. "You're finally up huh?" I smiled hearing his deep voice. I walked to the bed and picked my phone up. He was smiling brightly whereas I was looking paler than usual.

"You ready to be Ms. Knowles officially again?" He asked and I smiled liking the sound of it. It still legally was my name since it is hyphenated but once Carter is gone, I think I can actually breathe. "Actually...I prefer if Brown was there instead." I smirked watching the surprised look on his face.

"We finna go to Vegas tonight if that's wassup." I giggled moving to my small travel bag that had in my outfits for the day. "Nigga I don't wanna get married in front of fucking Elvis!" He laughed and so did I.

It felt good to laugh but the worry was still in the back of my mind. I just know that today is going to be emotionally draining for me. I was prepared for the battle but I just needed to look the part. I sat my clothes on the bed along with the accessories.

I had Neal and John coming in to glam me up and I really needed it. I was tired of seeing a broken woman everything I looked in the mirror. It was annoying as is but the constant reminder of it was also stressing me out.

"Anyways babe, I got to get to rehearsals. Call me when everything is finished, okay?" I nodded my head sighing. "I will and make sure none of your little fast ass hoes be touching on you." I warned then hung up. For some reason I always feel to have the last word whenever we're talking over the phone and just knowing that the anticipation for him to explode gives me a drive.


The SUV came to a stop and I sighed moving my curls from in front of my eyes. I looked out of the window seeing so many reporters and I grew annoyed at the sight of them. I looked over at Blue who had her headphones on so that was a good sign.

"You ready?" I looked up seeing Julius looking back at me. I nodded my head and gave him a closed mouth smile. "As ready as I look." We shared a small laugh then my door opened. I grabbed Blue's hand as we stepped out of the vehicle but not before I grabbed the envelope the guy had dropped on Blue's bed last night. Almost immediately paparazzi and reporters surrounded us but Julius kept them back as always. For his dedication to his work over the past week it is clear that he needed a raise.



I laughed lowly to myself hearing that question. That had to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. If I wasn't going to divorce his ass you'd think I'd be wearing a Sergio Hudson original? I was more than ready to do what I needed to do so I could be free from him and the memories of constant hurt and pain.

We got to the doors of the courthouse and there stood my lawyer as well as Jay and his representative waiting at the door to the court room. I walked closer and realized the agitated look on Warren's face. I raised my eyebrow as I got closer.

"Hey Warren, why aren't we going inside?" I asked him. I noticed Jay staring at me but I paid him no mind. I looked down at Blue and she hid behind me leg as she stared at him in the face.

"The judge apparently hasn't been informed of the date which I find rather ironic following your incident last night. I even called to double check to make sure that everything was in motion since she was the one who allowed us to move forward with everything." I sighed flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"So what are we going here? I came here to my life back and this is really fucking everything up more than it already is." My voice got a few people's attention but I didn't care. If I knew this would be the outcome I would've gladly joined the meeting over Zoom. This was a waste of my time and effort.

"I made a few calls to a few friends of mine and I'm just waiting to hear back from them." He informed me. I sucked my teeth turning away from him. "Call me when they get here. Let's go Blue."

Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter | Upper East Side, NY

I watched as she walked through the doors and it seemed as if everything around her slowed down. The way the pants hugged her hips sent me into a daze. I know we were supposed to be getting divorced today but that didn't stop the way she had an effect on me. The way she walked you can tell she was ready and that scared me a bit but the way my lawyer and I were coming at her, I know she would break and everything would go back to the way they were. It was only a matter of time.

"Okay today we have everything in the bag." I turned my attention to my lawyer. "The way the media have been surrounding around her I know that Judge Mathias would be thrilled to give you full custody." I smiled hearing those words.

Last night I got my men to pay a visit to the original judge on our case and paid him 5.5 million dollars to give our case to Judge Mathias. He was a close friend of mine and he also owed me a huge favor so I knew that this day was mine I could feel the victory running through my veins and I couldn't wait to taste it.

"Good. She can keep the house since that's the only thing she'll be getting." I spoke. I watched as she interacted with Warren and I could see the agitation on her face. I guess he broke the news to her because her voice echoed throughout the hallway.

"This is gonna be a messy ass divorce." I chuckled shaking my head. I watched as both her and Blue walk down the hallways and neither of them looked back. Since they walked in she just stared at me with no emotion on her face. Her eyes were cold as ice and it scared me. I'd never see the day my own child would look at me like I was someone she doesn't even recognize. That shit hurt like a bitch.

"I'm gonna call Judge Mathis to see if she's on his way." I waved her off and followed behind Beyoncé. She was standing next to a black SUV while on the phone.

I was about to step down but I stopped myself once I saw Julius standing next to her. I know for a fact once he's in sight there was no way that you could get even five feet close to her. He was her shield round the clock and nothing could stop him from doing his job.

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