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June 3rd 2005 | Houston, TX

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June 3rd 2005 | Houston, TX

They girls of Destiny's Child entered the pallor since they finally got a break from the studio. They were working on a few arrangements on upcoming music and have been working their asses off all morning. An unknown boy was sitting in a booth with his cousins as he spotted a beauty walk in with a contagious smile on her face. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

He watched as her friends left her to stand in line and took it as his opportunity to talk to her. He got up in the middle of the conversation he was having with his family and walked over to the blonde haired teen.

He felt his palm get sweaty just by looking at her. She had this hold on him and she didn't even know he existed yet.

"Excuse me miss?" He reached over her shoulder for a few napkins. She jumped seeing the caramel arm a stretch in front of her. She turned around seeing a boy who didn't belong in Huston. She stared at him in awe, his perfectly chiseled face lodged in her memory. Her eyes trailed down to his pink lips just as his tongue glided over them.

"I think you're very beautiful and I'd like to see you more often." The country accent was dominant in his speech. Her stomach flipped listening to his words. His accent was so pure and innocent and that drew her in more.

"Well it all depends." She blushed tucking a loose curl into her messy bun. He looked at her, taking in her whole appearance. She was move than beautiful, she was breathtaking and it was alluring.

"And what will that be?" He asked, a smirk tucking at his lips. She smirked as well, thinking on what to say to the tall male.

"If you pay for my drink." She shifted her weight from both legs to her left. An amused smile on her face as she looked at the boy who had an eyebrow raised. He liked that she was playing hard to get. She wasn't easy and that gave him the motivation to get to know her even more.

"Will I get your name and number if I did?" He smirked, his left hand tucked in his pocket.

"As long as I get yours in return." They both chuckled. "Then that's a deal." Oddly, they shook hands but it only felt like the perfect way to seal the deal. Once she got her drink, he paid without a hesitation.

"Put your number in." She instructed hanging him her pager. He saved his contact and gave it back to her. She looked at it and smiled at his name. "Christopher, hmm? I like it." She sipped her drink watching him dig into his pocket and gave her is pager in return.

She placed her number and name in the device then handed back to him. He looked at her name and couldn't fight the smile that was on his face. "Beyoncé, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He complemented then looked up at her.

Beyoncé could hear the loud laughter coming from the bathroom and turned back to Christopher who was watching her. "Will I hear from you tonight?" He asked. She swayed, staring up at the ceiling in a playful manner.

"You gotta message me to find out." She smiled then walked pass him. His eyes followed her out the door as her friend followed her also. He bit his lip as she disappeared around the corner.

"I definitely will."

Two Months Later | August 27th 2005

For the past two months, Beyoncé and Christopher have been seeing each other and it was the most stress free time they have spent with each other. With Christopher dealing with his basketball training camp and Beyoncé being in the studio and rehearsals day in and day out, they didn't get to be out much, but when they did, it was all laughs and love.

They knew everything there was to know about each other and feelings had developed deeply. Beyoncé's father had realized that she had become distant to the work and didn't like it one bit. So when he found out that her attention was on some boy, it made his insides boil. He had prohibited his daughter from seeing him but she defied his orders. She was more interested in the boy than music in the moment. She was finally able to feel like a normal girl and she wasn't gonna give it up just yet.

She knew Chris was leaving back for Virginia is two days and she was more focused on how to make their last days memorable. They went out on dates and though they were good, she wanted to share in intimate moment with him, something that neither of them would forget.

He on the other hand was sprung on the female. He had never felt this much emotions for a woman besides the ones in his family. He made sure she knew that he cared for her and always listened to her. Even when they were on the phone or hanging out in his room last at night. They never made their relationship official, but they didn't need to. Just the way they kissed and hugged told them who their hearts belonged to. Nothing was ever going to stop their connection and they were determined to keep it the way it was.

He stood outside on the Beyoncé's house waiting on her to come out so they could go chill at his uncle's house. He watched as the light of the living room turned off. About fifteen minutes later, he saw her figure coming out of the window at the side of the house. He quietly ran over to her and helper her out.

"I got you Giselle." He spoke softly, hands around her waist trying to prevent her from falling. She pulled her other leg through the window but lost her balance causing the two to fall in the rose bush. They giggled as they rolled out of the shrubs. They dusted themselves off then Chris reached up to close the window slowly.

"Let's go." He grabbed her hand and they both ran off three blocks to his uncle's house.

Getting closer to the house, he noticed that there was a light shining through the curtains, most likely from the TV. He walked to the front door and unlocked it with the key she stole from his uncle's dresser.

He signaled for her to be quiet as they entered. They look of their shoes and Chris closed and locked the door as quiet as possible. They tip toed pass the living room and up the stairs to his room. Once they made it in, they both started laughing. Adrenaline building up from the sneaking around they were doing. Their laughter died down and they stared at each other. Beyoncé walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, staring in his deep brown eyes.

"I missed you so much these past few days. Daddy wouldn't let me out his sight." Her accent made his heart smile. "I missed you more Giselle." He leaned down and kissed her lips. She kissed back and his arms snaked around her waist pulling them closer together.

They pulled away and Beyoncé pushed him back on the bed. She straddled his lap and leaned down, foreheads touching. "I'm ready Christopher." He looked into her eyes, honesty laced them. "Then I'm all yours."

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