Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 – Forever My Love

Christopher Brown | April 11th 2020 | Tappahannock, VA

I quietly got out of bed trying not to wake Beyoncé. After her struggle to get up the stairs yesterday, she cried and cried until she fell asleep. I joined her but I got up because I heard a something like metal fall. I too was having difficulty sleeping with the whole police incident very fresh on my mind. I got a lot of supportive messages from my friends and my family is coming tomorrow so that'll be even more.

I walked down the stairs to go to the basement but I stopped seeing a light skinning into my living room.

"Be quiet! We ain't tryna be seen!" I heard a male voice exclaimed. I peeped from behind my wall seeing three figures roaming my back yard. I chuckled going upstairs into my room and logged into my computer where my security system is connected to.

I opened the app and the video feed showed me three men walking around my house. It seemed as if they were trying to find their way in. I continued to watch as one of them pulled out a ladder and placed it against the wall. I checked another camera view and they were going into Myles' room.

I chuckled getting up from the chair I was in and downstairs into my kitchen. I flicked the switch for the outside lights then I heard a loud bang. I opened my back door that led me into my yard and walked to the side of the house they were. I heard shuffling as I got closer to them but the petty side of me wouldn't let them just get away so easily.

I walked across to the fenced area where I kept my dogs. They must've picked up my scent because they jumped up, tails waggling and heavy breathing.

"Hey boys, daddy got a job for y'all." I opened the gate and they followed me.

"Nigga let's go before the police show up!" I heard another voice exclaimed. "We ain't leaving until we get the girl." I shook my head as I watched them.

"Y'all ain't got no business here." I spoke as they jumped then turned in my direction. "Oh shit bro let's go!" One backed away as the other two stepped up. My dogs walked from behind of me growling. With a smile I said, "Get 'em."

They rushed at the men all while barking. "OH FUCK NO!" I laughed as they all ran to the other side of my house. I shook my head walking to the front through the side gate. I watched as they ran off of my property with my dogs closely behind.

I whistled and they stopped chasing the men. "C'mon boys." I said as they ran over to me, jumping up to lick my fingers. I allowed them as I lead them back into to their play area. "I'll see y'all in the morning." I petted them then stood up. I walked out of their area, closing then gate walking back to my open back door.

I walked back into the kitchen hearing footsteps coming down the steps. I closed and locked the door then turned to see Myles holding a scared Royalty in his arms.

"Who were those dudes?" He asked as I took Royalty from his arms. "I have no idea but I don't think I'll be seeing them for some time." We both chuckled. I looked over at the clock on the stove seeing its 2:27 AM.

"Daddy I'm hungry." She spoke against my neck. "Alright baby. Go watch TV while I make us some waffled and chicken." I placed her on her feet and she walked into the living room. I opened the freezer taking out the Eggo waffles and some chicken sticks.

I turned around seeing Myles watching me with an unsure look on his face. "Just spit it out." I laughed taking a pan from the cupboard taking out a pan for the chicken sticks.

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